Hate me for saying this but i used to be a hardcore bound maker... i'll list all the bounds...
- 4Way Bound
- 64x64 Bound 1
- 64x64 Bound 2
- 64x64 Bound 3
- Bound
- Car Bound
- Classic Mario Bound
- Clean Bound
- Cold Bound
- Cube Bound
- eXileBound
- Kon Bound
- LumPia Bound
- Pr0 Bound
- Pro Bound v1.2
- Probe Bound
- ReNt Bound
- SonicXBound
- SubZero Bound
- x3 Bound
Damn that's alot ain't it? (
basicly all of them high quality, medium difficulty, and original )
Experimental Maps:
- Building Blur
- Cloak Units
- Crystal Cave (terrain idea)
- Doodad Creation
- Heat Wave
- Scarab Test (glitchy)
- Units on Null
- Units Walk Through Walls
- Grid System
- Water Tower (terrain idea)
I like to create my own versions to make sure i know how to work the system properly.
- Lab Monkey Defense (used to work on, will finish after a couple maps )
- 18 l)arkway- Defense : Lurker Defense (i think that's tha name, i lost the map)
Original Maps:
- Dark Masters
- Bomber Man Advanced
There's alot of maps that i lost that were almost finished, and ihave alot of maps that are around 40-50% complete...
Current Projects:
- Dream & Reality RPG
- Mini-Game Madness
- Hero Arena (unamed)
Damn that's alot of maps.
That is indeed, a lot of maps. Way more than I'll ever do.