QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Jun 22 2005, 12:14 AM)
I'd wish for world peace, an end to all disease...
Your world peace won't last longer than 1 minute unless you'd also wish to take away human's free will, and withoutout diseases world's population will slowly pass reasonability.
QUOTE(Brother_Leader @ Jun 22 2005, 12:18 AM)
2. World peace
4. End to all dieseases
Very creative....
QUOTE(Brother_Leader @ Jun 22 2005, 12:18 AM)
By doing this, the averege IQ will drop to 80 in twenty years and most of the people from the next generations will be lazyass retards.
QUOTE(Brother_Leader @ Jun 22 2005, 12:18 AM)
3 more wishes
Read this topic's sub-title.
QUOTE(O)FaRTy1billion @ Jun 22 2005, 12:25 AM)
1. A few objects. (shiny new quarter, a hampster, a floor tile, a wind sock, a cup of pudding, a bolt, and a real living yoshi I could ride on (not one of the stuffed ones))
2. A few "special abilities" (Telekinesis, ... the one that involves control fire (cant remember what it is called), Mind Controlling abilities, able to change into whatever I want (like a dinosaur, or a ... cube of jello!), time control (like rewind, pause, FF))
3. An infinite amount of money!
Hey, you never said you couldn't wish for groups of things
You can't wish for groups of things, since by the fact their a group they'll take up more than 1 wish, and by this eliminating 1&2.
As for 3, the world's economy will crush and money will no longer have any value.
The only way to get things will be creating them yourself, or trading with other people for other things.
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ Jun 22 2005, 12:28 AM)
3. That SEN members follow the rules
About 10-20 new people register at SEN every day... the effect your wish won't last long enought to be effective.
QUOTE(PsychoTemplar @ Jun 22 2005, 12:55 AM)
1. Eternal happiness.
2. Eternal life.
3. The ability to teleport.
1 - for who? If that's for you, than you will lose your feeling and have no values, you'll be cold hearted and your life, even tho happy, will be boring, and even worst - because of 2, you'll be happy/boring forever!
3 is tricky, if you try to teleport into a place you can't see you may get stuck into something.
QUOTE(KaboomHahahein @ Jun 22 2005, 05:30 AM)
Really maybe world peace, no more crime (we can lower human population some way or another) and the tree that constatly grows 100$
Millions of cops, detectives, officers, army men, weapon designers, and others will lose their jobs and have to live homeless poor life, untill they'll die of hunger.
I guess that would solve your population problem for a while...
QUOTE(doodle3000 @ Jun 22 2005, 04:25 PM)
1) That there was a cure for every disease in the world
Millions of doctors and researches will lose their jobs.
QUOTE(doodle3000 @ Jun 22 2005, 04:25 PM)
2) That people could live up to 200 years old, and have a longer youth span
The world will be flooded with people, and everyone will have to live in huge buildings with small apartments, and yet having to pay twice as much taxes and money for food.
Before you ask for wishes, think like a communist, than think of yourself.
Besides, I'm sure than if you REALLY could ask for ANYTHING none of you would even think of asking for crappy stuff like 'world peace' (unless you're Mrs. United States).