1. What is your name? Ask later
2. What is your nickname/what do you like to be called? Ask Later
3. What is your ethnicity? Asian
4. How old are you? 14
5. What state do you live in? NJ
6. What do you do for fun? Waste my time playing subliminal messages..er video games.
7. Do you play any sports? If so, which ones? None
8. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones? Yes, drums
9. What is the area of your main interest? (arts, sports, girls, etc,etc.) Uhhh..
10. What is your screen name? Powersofhorror//Powerful_Horror
11. What is your religion? Christian
12. How far have you gone? What the hell does this even mean..
13. Do you believe in sex before marriage? No
14. Do you smoke? You're joking right..
15. Do you drink? Look above
16. Do you do drugs? Look above above
17. Do you sing? (well?) No
18. What is your idea of being romantic? None
19. Have you ever cheated on someone? Well I cheated off of someone for a test...
20. Do you drive?(legally) ...
21. What would you do if I died? Don't give two damns about it.
22. If you ever were interested, how would you ask me on a date? <shoots self>
23. What kind of music do you listen to? Anything good
24. What kind of books do u read? (if u do) None
25. What are some of your favorite movies? Z-o-m-b-i-e films
26. What would be a typical date with you? Why should I tell you.
27. Would you eye other girls if we went on a date? Look above.
28. What would you do if I was sick at home? Not give two damns
29. What would you do if I was in the hospital? Above
30. What would you do if I had the worst day ever? Run away so you wouldn't ask
31. What would you do if it was between hanging out with me at the park or seeing a wild concert with your best buddies? Wild concert
32. Would you ever hit me? Damn straight
33. What would you want me to do when you had the worse day? Get me a gun and some bullets.
34. I want to be an actress and I have to kiss someone onstage...what is your reaction? Punch the other guy out.
35. If you had to cheat on me with a celebrity, who would it be? Celebrities are no better than us.