I use starforge primarily, but I'm desperately waiting for SCMD for mac.
I use both.
- Triggers (I find Trigedit more efficient and organized than Starforge's trigger editor)
- More organized unit settings, and hotkeys for map description, etc.
- Sounds
- Mission Briefings (SCMDraft's Briefing editor does not work)
- Adjustable unit grid snap
- Stacking
- Terrain Brushes
Triggering with SCMDraft starts off slow, but as you use it a lot, you'll remember the syntax for a lot of the triggers and manage to write them quickly. Same with using color tags - I don't need a reference for them anymore.
I use Starforge. Its ISOM is screwed, and the grid snap isn't perfect, but regular StarEdit covers both of those.
StarEdit Xtra Editor and Star forge.
I like them both.
I use SCMDraft for everything now. The only thing I still open SF for is a couple things... THings like:
The String Editor
On occasion: Trigger Editor
Mission Briefing Editor
But, other than that. I am waiting for SCMDraft to be finished. You know, with everything:
AutoTrigEdit, Brush Capabillity, Mission Briefings, The whole shibam. It won't be long until SCMDraft will take over all of the other editors.
Forsaken true to that. SCMD is less buggy also then the older version
but i still dont like it
Meh, I like to use StarEdit Xtra Editor most of the time, but starforge for square terrain and stuff.
Why do people use SCXE.... i just use SCXE for briefriengs bcause my starforge is buggy and cant make brief, i use sf all the time
Ok I just tested it and I can prove to you that SF mess up maps with sounds.
I imported 3 16-bit wavs into random test map, I used SCXE for this test. Map's size was 201KB.
I opened it in SF and saved without any changes. Now maps size is 658KB, and of course SF-SCXE save bug....
If you want to see both maps I can attach them...
Now when proven that you can't make a quality map with sounds on SF,
DOWNLOAD SCMDraft NOW!!!Yeah, im getting used to scmdraft too. But for now, I still sometimes use the traditional staredit. One big problem for it is that it doesn't have unit stacking, on that occasion, I use Starforge.
i use a system of all three.
1. Starforge for terrain
2. SCM Draft for unit's
3. SCXE for triggers, forces, breifing's : most techinal stuff
4. SCM Draft for final color of players
Then i go into testing and then i use scxe for edit's that are needed. then re-finish the map and make it look nice.
But Draft is the best terrain editor today
and starforge is a lot better than scxe for tiggers/units/forces scxe just work for brief and same whit player colors scmd just for terrain
eh idc. my system works for me.
3. SCXE for triggers, forces, breifing's : most techinal stuff
That's what makes me want to scream. Use Starforge, it is far superior. If you are utterly incapable of comprehending text triggers, just use SCMD with Classic TrigEdit.I like the standard editor, I dont need anything more for my melee maps
Didn't you read my post? Can't make quality map with sounds on SF
I like SCMD the best. It has everything you need.
is too weird make triggers on scmd
The new classic trig editor on SCMdraft isn't bad. Although I still prefer scxe since it runs smoother for me.
The trig editors for sf are ok, although I think i work faster with mouse movements and clicks. It's easier for me to pace myself like that.
I've played around with SCM Draft at a friend's house a few times (I am a mac user, so no advanced editors are available), and I have to say it's pretty damn awesome.
Like, really awesome + 5,674
Another thing:
QUOTE(Toothfariy @ Oct 31 2005, 03:03 PM)
2. SCM Draft for unit's
4 Reasons why Starforge's unit placer is superior to SCMDraft's:
- Stacking (Right click and you can easily stack a fixed number of units)
- Adjustable grid snap
- Edit Unit IDs (if you messed up and decided to change a lot of units to a different type)
- Unit moving feature (with arrow keys) - it's useful if you misplace a few..
Also, the last time I used SCMDraft, I placed wraiths and tried to edit their "cloak" property, but it wouldn't work. (The cloak checkbox was greyed out)
QUOTE(Subrosian @ Nov 1 2005, 08:19 PM)
Another thing:
4 Reasons why Starforge's unit placer is superior to SCMDraft's:
- Stacking (Right click and you can easily stack a fixed number of units)
- Adjustable grid snap
- Edit Unit IDs (if you messed up and decided to change a lot of units to a different type)
- Unit moving feature (with arrow keys) - it's useful if you misplace a few..
Also, the last time I used SCMDraft, I placed wraiths and tried to edit their "cloak" property, but it wouldn't work. (The cloak checkbox was greyed out)
Reasons why SCMDraft's unit placer is superior:
- Adjustable grid snap
- Unit moving feature (with arrow keys) Shift+Arrow = 16 pixels. Ctrl+Arrow = 1 pixel.
- Copy and Paste units
- Nydus Canal connecting
- Addon connecting
- Randomize mineral types
- Buildings snap to tile option
- Require mineral distance option
- Pylon field
- Creep display
- Preview vision for units placed
Can't remember a bunch.
i like starforge terrain better then draft... hmm guess its only me...
Does the guy who made starforge still work on it...
i mean obviously the guys who made Draft does.. not sure about starforge
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Nov 1 2005, 06:44 PM)
Reasons why SCMDraft's unit placer is superior:
- Adjustable grid snap
- Unit moving feature (with arrow keys) Shift+Arrow = 16 pixels. Ctrl+Arrow = 1 pixel.
- Copy and Paste units
- Nydus Canal connecting
- Addon connecting
- Randomize mineral types
- Buildings snap to tile option
- Require mineral distance option
- Pylon field
- Creep display
- Preview vision for units placed
Can't remember a bunch.
Wow, I was wrong about a lot of things. Mostly because I was unaware of the new SCMDraft 0.6.0 version. =\
Wow, SCMDraft is wonderful after playing with its features a bit more.