I've looked at that quite a bit, before I was even using the Storm interface library before I found sfmpqapi. One problem I cant fix -
167 C:\Documents and Settings\Marcel\Desktop\DatLoader\SFmpqapi.h `__forceinline' does not name a type
I dont even know what that is.
Just a note, im using Dev-C++, which is based on Mingw.
Use the included SFmpqapi_nolib.cpp and .h (or whatever it was called) instead of that one. The main .h and .lib files are only intended to work in Microsoft Visual C++.
Heh, I've made a program that can do some things like DatLoader does, but in a different way. At the moment, I won't say the details of how it works, but it allows you to have several different files Starcraft uses to be able to get loaded from the scm/scx files. The files that can be replaced by adding them to the scm/scx file are any ones that are loaded after the map is loaded. You will just have to experiment to find which ones those are.
The program is in the form of an MPQDraft plugin. To use it, first make a map which has modified Starcraft files in it, then load MPQDraft, select Starcraft, and then add the plugin to the list of plugins.
I've also made some test maps. You can try them out and see some things this can do.
All three of those have the same modified files, they are just different maps.
I've also uploaded a version that logs information about calls to Storm.dll from Starcraft, like parameters passed and return values. This might help some with finding memory locations for some files.