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Staredit Network -> Serious Discussion -> What is your Religion and Why?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-03-04 at 02:08:31
Well, Jesus was in fact a real historical person. You can't say Heaven and Hell don't exist if you don't have proof they don't exist. Hitler committed suicide which by religious rules, you go to hell.

Same proof rules apply to religion. Can't we all just be agnostic? tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Middle_Finger on 2006-03-10 at 09:03:13
well, i dont think that if there is no proof taht something exists, it doesent exist.
peple didnt know about planets & universe a thousand years ago. I think taht God exists, i'm ortodox, & now, i think nothing can make me change my mind.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snake)Ling on 2006-03-12 at 09:34:21
I'm a sunni muslim. Why? Because, contrary to popular belief, Sunni Islam is very tolerant, and the Qu'ran could and should be interpreted as a liberal book. Plus, Mohammed acknowledged Jesus and Abraham, and the New Testament and the Old Testament, as people and scriptures from Allah. Thus, we worship the same God as Christianity, so all arguments that Muslims will go to hell are baseless.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Scheisse on 2006-03-12 at 21:42:53
Ridiculous. From being muslim all you do is blow people up with bombs strapped around yourself you damn terrorists. And being Christian shows your stupidity. Kissing crosses, thanking absolutely nothing for the food you get. You should be thanking science, technology and the Earth. Athiesm is obviously becoming more and more popular now, mainly because of the amount of education we are receiving in our schools through science and mathematics. There is no god, GET OVER IT! Bible and Qur'an are a bunch of lies that people have passed on for generations. Muhammed and Christ and whoever the hell is out there are all real people, but they said this stuff to make people stop having so many was. They never knew it would turn out as bad as it did today. I wish Jesus and Muhammad were here today to see how pathetic you guys have become. angry.gif

MA Edit: Stop farking making stereotypical comments about muslims being terrorists.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-03-12 at 21:58:55
I'm a catholic Cristian because that is what i was raised to be. See i don't go to church every sunday nor do pray every night. Or a super Religious dude. But i belive he exsists and that it is the only explanination for what is here today.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shapechanger on 2006-03-12 at 22:35:13
Athiest, I have more than enough proof that God doesn't exist.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2006-03-12 at 23:13:34
My beliefs have changed. I'm agnostic.

Athiesm follows the same problems as any religion. It's too absolute.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SiLeNT(U) on 2006-03-12 at 23:33:12
QUOTE(Scheisse @ Mar 12 2006, 09:42 PM)
Ridiculous. From being muslim all you do is blow people up with bombs strapped around yourself you damn terrorists. And being Christian shows your stupidity. Kissing crosses, thanking absolutely nothing for the food you get. You should be thanking science, technology and the Earth. Athiesm is obviously becoming more and more popular now, mainly because of the amount of education we are receiving in our schools through science and mathematics. There is no god, GET OVER IT! Bible and Qur'an are a bunch of lies that people have passed on for generations. Muhammed and Christ and whoever the hell is out there are all real people, but they said this stuff to make people stop having so many was. They never knew it would turn out as bad as it did today. I wish Jesus and Muhammad were here today to see how pathetic you guys have become.  angry.gif

MA Edit: Stop farking making stereotypical comments about muslims being terrorists.

You don't know how hard it is for me to restrain myself from flaming you right now, but I'll try. Just because science has "proven" all this stuff is wrong, it's still possible for it to be right, and not to mention most of the world is not athiest, not even half the world's population is. However, I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, just stop posting stupid stereotypes.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Loser_Musician on 2006-03-13 at 20:58:20
Atheism isn't really absolute. It's like the chances of there being a god are so low, that I just rounded it. Nothing can be 100%. Even 1+1 is 99.99etc.%
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shapechanger on 2006-03-13 at 21:00:46
No I'm pretty sure 1+1 = 2
And I'm pretty sure 2 is 100% of 2, if that's what you mean.

But yeah, it's just that the chances are so low. It's as if I were to win the lottery every day for the rest of my life without cheating.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Loser_Musician on 2006-03-13 at 21:31:18
amen to that brother. amen.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CheeZe on 2006-03-13 at 21:52:48
Then technically, you don't actually know. You're placing a bet that there is no god; this follows the same mistakes as any religion.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shapechanger on 2006-03-13 at 22:06:39
No, we're beleiving in the nothing instead of the very slight chance of a God.
Hope is a good thing, but not when it's just so very against the odds.

Like I said, I might as well hope to win the lottery twice in a row.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2006-03-13 at 22:21:35
QUOTE(Snake)Ling @ Mar 12 2006, 06:33 AM)
I'm a sunni muslim. Why? Because, contrary to popular belief, Sunni Islam is very tolerant, and the Qu'ran could and should be interpreted as a liberal book. Plus, Mohammed acknowledged Jesus and Abraham, and the New Testament and the Old Testament, as people and scriptures from Allah. Thus, we worship the same God as Christianity, so all arguments that Muslims will go to hell are baseless.

I can see your religion as starting out good and etc. But lately Im starting to dislike the majority in your community. If you publish one bad thing about muslems, the whole muslem world riots and theres massive death and destruction. Tolerant? Some cases. Understanding? stretch.

QUOTE(CheeZe @ Mar 12 2006, 08:13 PM)
My beliefs have changed. I'm agnostic.

Athiesm follows the same problems as any religion. It's too absolute.

That a kid.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kame on 2006-03-14 at 00:00:37
QUOTE(SS6-Gotenks @ Feb 28 2006, 09:15 PM)
I am a Heretic, If you don't know what that is. It is a Outcast Rebel who has no religion and Beleaves and worships no god.

Is not. A heretic is someone who believes there is a God, but that he is not to be followed.

I'm a Christian because I love Jesus. happy.gif

My sister would like to add: "When bees mate with leaves they beleave!"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Euknemarchon on 2006-03-14 at 14:59:40
Kudos to the fellow protestants!

There has been proof! It's called a miracle. But places still rejected God out of sheer arrogance, so there aren't just lots of them anymore. Science expects us to believe that the human form came from random genetic alterations of a frog but the "fossils" of miracles mean nothing?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snake)Ling on 2006-03-14 at 15:22:04
Haw haw, you're so funny. I'm a believer of god, but the scientists and athiests aren't the arrogant ones here, bud. It's you. There is no proof of miracles. Miracles don't happen, they are exaggerated stories of small shards of luck.

And no, you fool. Humans did not come from random genetic alterations of a frog. Go look in a book before you type stupid shiz.

And to TheDaddy0420, yes, the religion is very tolerant. The culture of the Middle East hasn't yet adapted to the modern world, saying the RELIGION is intolerant and bloody is very incorrect. Saying it is tolerant is definitely not a stretch, go read the Qu'ran before you say that. The Arabian culture, not the Islamic Religion, if you look through history, has a long past of blood, conquering and warfare. And recent events keep sparking the differences between their culture and ours, such as Iranian nukes, the invasion of Iraq and calling the invasion of Iraq a crusade (you don't say crusade over there), letting India have nukes but not Pakistan, Israel VS. Palestine, and so on. These are all examples not of Muslims clashing with Christians, but Arabs clashing with Westerners.

You don't see Turkey and Indonesia doing crazy-ass shiz, do you?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LtDonny on 2006-03-14 at 22:45:57
I consider myself an atheist. However, I do believe there is a specific balance in the universe and I believe in rebirth of life (souls, whatever you call it).

Everyone (that knows) think's just because I am an atheist means that I believe in nothing ^_^

Anyway. I don't care about anything, really. Catholic, Wiccan, Satanist, Jewish, etc., I view them equally. Okay, maybe not so equally. I do prejudge some things without wanting to. I was thinking of converting to a religion, but I thought "is this what I really want?" I said no. I just wanted to believe for the sake of believing to get people off my back.

But, frankly, if there was a God (according to Christian beliefs, I am stating), he would judge not on religion, but on kindness and rationality (in my opinion). It doesn't make sense that most (I say most) people think "You don't believe in God?!? You will burn for eternity!" I asked them about the natives of different places around the world, they say "Eternity of burning! They need to believe our views, whether they are oblivious or not!" I call such people extremists.

Frankly, I don't know if I actually believe or not, I may believe subconsciously. I think I am leaning towards agnostic, but I consider myself an atheist.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (DI)Yulla on 2006-03-14 at 23:50:03
QUOTE(Arbitrary @ Mar 1 2006, 09:03 PM)
There's really nothing wrong with Hinduism except for its commonality with the monotheistic branches in the realm of defining what is 'right' and 'wrong' (and thus eliminating general headroom for choosing your own direction.)

Exactly my point. I hate the religion because of that. I don't hate people who believe in religion (well... maybe I do SOMETIMES) but I hate the principles of the religion. For example, I don't think that a single being (god) cannot judge who is right and who is wrong. That is what I call bad.

And also, religion is like calling for desperate measures. Old people believe in religion because they want hope and faith.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by IceWarrior98 on 2006-03-15 at 00:18:15
QUOTE(SS6-Gotenks @ Feb 28 2006, 11:15 PM)
I am a Heretic, If you don't know what that is. It is a Outcast Rebel who has no religion and Beleaves and worships no god. But thats just me, but people beleive diffrent things and i repsect that! I know there are diffrent Religions like Christian, Mormon, Wiccan, Pægen, Jewish, Necrophelia and many others. Just explain what your Religion is and why. If u think there is a God Why? Thats all i have to say for now! HOPE YOU POST!!

Yea umm...a Heritic is someone who stopped believing in a religion and begins believing in something else (play Halo, you'll understand lol).

And I guess im Athiest i only believe in a world after this and thats about it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheDaddy0420 on 2006-03-15 at 01:03:28
QUOTE(Snake)Ling @ Mar 14 2006, 12:21 PM)
Haw haw, you're so funny. I'm a believer of god, but the scientists and athiests aren't the arrogant ones here, bud. It's you. There is no proof of miracles. Miracles don't happen, they are exaggerated stories of small shards of luck.

And no, you fool. Humans did not come from random genetic alterations of a frog. Go look in a book before you type stupid shiz.

And to TheDaddy0420, yes, the religion is very tolerant. The culture of the Middle East hasn't yet adapted to the modern world, saying the RELIGION is intolerant and bloody is very incorrect. Saying it is tolerant is definitely not a stretch, go read the Qu'ran before you say that. The Arabian culture, not the Islamic Religion, if you look through history, has a long past of blood, conquering and warfare. And recent events keep sparking the differences between their culture and ours, such as Iranian nukes, the invasion of Iraq and calling the invasion of Iraq a crusade (you don't say crusade over there), letting India have nukes but not Pakistan, Israel VS. Palestine, and so on. These are all examples not of Muslims clashing with Christians, but Arabs clashing with Westerners.

You don't see Turkey and Indonesia doing crazy-ass shiz, do you?

I do believe i said community. Did I not?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Loser_Musician on 2006-03-15 at 12:26:33
QUOTE(CheeZe @ Mar 13 2006, 09:52 PM)
Then technically, you don't actually know. You're placing a bet that there is no god; this follows the same mistakes as any religion.

Ya, that's right. But the difference between atheism and religion is, the bet is highly in the atheist's favor. It's a simple formula of weighing chance, cost, and outcome. You decide partly on what the chance is, fully on what the cost is, and very little on what the outcome is. So much of it can vary from person to person.

Agnostic has a flaw too. If you use that type of thinking on every aspect of your life, you'll never make up your mind.
"Should I wear the white socks or black socks today? I believe the white socks look better, but I'm not 100% sure. It's best if I just don't decide. Cause there's no 100% way I can be certain."
But I know you don't think like that when you're putting on your socks. Because it generally just doesn't really matter that much on what socks you wear.

However, if I told you that wearing black socks is the only way to protect from a new strain of bacteria that will consume the earth in only a year, you'll then start to think like this:
"I should start wearing the black socks just to be safe. Incase that bacteria thing is true."

But I know you won't do that. You'll want to see more proof before you make that kind of decision; You're not naive. And that is why you're most likely agnostic. I see where you're coming from. It makes sense.

But the thing is, what if the cost of security was much higher? Instead of black socks, it was going to church, changing your beliefs, and maybe even having to become a missionary. Would you still do it? You only have 2 options. If you sit there and do nothing, you're physically doing the exact same thing an atheist would do; nothing.

Burden of proof lies on the religious side. Agnostic and atheist are both in the same boat. They both ask for proof. Only difference is, atheists have decided the religious side has more than enough time to prove that they're not talking out of their asses, and repeating things liars have said dozens to thousands of years ago. Agnostics think either they still need more time, or that they will never be able to do it. That's it.

When the world ends, we'll both go to the same place. Wether it be heaven, hell, or neither. At the end of the world, not making a decision can still be looked at as making a decision.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snake)Ling on 2006-03-15 at 15:43:32
QUOTE(TheDaddy0420 @ Mar 15 2006, 01:03 AM)
I do believe i said community.  Did I not?

No, you said the muslim community. The WHOLE muslim community, I might add. If you were smart, you would have in particular said the Arabic community of muslims. Sure, I'm a muslim and I'm a little pissed they did that, but am I burning embassies? In fact, several non-Arab Imams have condemned the violence.

Also, believing in God doesen't automatically make you go to heaven. Being an atheist or polytheistic person doesen't automatically make you go to hell. If you're a good person, you land in Heaven at the end, as I see it. And if you were a bad person, you land in hell. That's the way I see it, anyways.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (DI)Yulla on 2006-03-15 at 18:31:18
QUOTE(Snake)Ling @ Mar 15 2006, 03:43 PM)
No, you said the muslim community. The WHOLE muslim community, I might add. If you were smart, you would have in particular said the Arabic community of muslims. Sure, I'm a muslim and I'm a little pissed they did that, but am I burning embassies? In fact, several non-Arab Imams have condemned the violence.

Also, believing in God doesen't automatically make you go to heaven. Being an atheist or polytheistic person doesen't automatically make you go to hell. If you're a good person, you land in Heaven at the end, as I see it. And if you were a bad person, you land in hell. That's the way I see it, anyways.

I see your point. But remember not all Muslim people are terrorists. They are violent people who misunderstood the term "jihad" and creating violence everywhere.

I don't wanna question your religious beliefs here, but I wanna ask you who decides who is good and who is bad? It is one person, isn't it? I don't know much about Islam as a religion, but isn't that absolute monarchy?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Arbitrary on 2006-03-15 at 18:32:55
From what I know of the Qu'ran, only Allah may judge the worth of a person.
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