I'm an Über Pimp.
You see? Everyone here knows I'm an Über pimp. I even had a mohawk once so that I could surprise my girl at my Track competition.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v306/BeeRKeG/IMG_0140.jpgYa, I had just ran the 4x100m and sweat made the mohawk go down.
Do I have a life? Yes, I have a very active life and a cherish it. Playing on the computer, coding PHP and going to SeN are just hobbies of mine.
I was gonig to do a 4x100m today, but I got sick. And the rest of the team didn't show up. I'm spiking my hair up and dying hot pink for our county finals, and we're selling one of our teamates on eBay.
I have a life, but I try to get away from it whenever possible. If I leave my house at all after school then there's no way in hell I'll get back before 8 hours has past. It seems everywhere I go people kick me into football games.