QUOTE(dumbducky @ Apr 26 2006, 12:40 PM)
The site is
rated PG-13, and you don't often hear the F word in PG-13 movies.
QUOTE(Kellimus @ Apr 26 2006, 01:33 PM)
Total BS. I hear the F-bomb in PG-13 movies all the time. Please be quiet.
I've also heard it in a
PG movie. So what? All it means is that if they really want their movie to be PG rather than PG-13 or PG-13 instead of R like it should be, in one way or another, they can! (probably by bribes, etc.)

I've heard of many movies before that critics said should have been rated R instead of PG-13.
it is more mature to say what you want without swaring, or atleast put ** in it if you really wanna say something emotional.
keeping the filter says "it's not a good word". remooving the filter would say "feel free to say what you want". atleast small discipline (atleast this) is required everywhere. think about manners.
If swear words are the limit to your vocabulary, get a thesaurus. Whining about swear filters won't do anything.
Thanks for generalizing. I swear to get my frustrations out. That doesn't mean my vocabulary is that of a small childs though.
Guys, don't you understand that as much you complain, filters won't be removed anyway. And as a matter as fact they are fine as they are, there is no reason to not remove them, blah blah blah..

I think some filters should be changed. Most of them are ridiculos the site is rated Teen not C for Children. Stupid doo doo head? Here are some that should change:
Anything that's censored to "Stupid Doo Doo Head" - "Jerk" or "person that I disagree with and will result to saying negative things about you"
Sh*t - "Crap"
P*nis and D*ck should not be censored since one is the correct term and one is a name. Along with V*gina (And I think Frontal Fun Hole is sort of offensive anyway). I can't think of any of the other ones that I thought should've been changed.
Thats so, you wouldn't want to use them as you know that they will be converted to something that anal

about the word d!ick
it happenes to be moose's first name:
I'd quote wikipedia, but apparently someone deleted the page.
QUOTE(Rantent @ Apr 26 2006, 11:05 PM)
I won't finish this.
Because it'll be censored out?
Im not asking to let (Who made what curse words are worse than others up, I don't know, but--) "major" curse words like the f-word. But d ck? Come on. It's name, and so what? What if I think George Bush is a d..k? If I flame, ban me. I get not letting the whole thing go through because of the mass flaming, but such a minor word..
And "frontal fun hole" really is hilarious, but really, it's very offensive. (and you think a donkey is more offensive than that?)
Why I keep arguing I dont know, it's useless. Itd just be damn good to have the old sen back. (Old censors, old names for the null forum, ONE forum only for the creative forum...)
QUOTE(warhammer40000 @ Apr 27 2006, 02:07 PM)
Why I keep arguing I dont know, it's useless. Itd just be damn good to have the old sen back. (Old censors, old names for the null forum, ONE forum only for the creative forum...)
To bad that will NEVER, NEVER,
NEVER happen.
And I agree. D!ck is not a bad word. J@ckass isn't a bad word either.
T for Teen != C for Children. I agree with that.
Why I keep arguing I dont know, it's useless. Itd just be damn good to have the old sen back. (Old censors, old names for the null forum, ONE forum only for the creative forum...)
Agreed. Censor f***, sh**, explicit organ names (not dick, as it's more commonly a name) and a few others to the good old
Oh, and does anybody get that Moose's name is fake? Anybody?As Rexy once said, I think that its more what you censor with. What happened to the traditional ****s or the

Most swear words have been basterdized so badly they have no meaning anyway...
QUOTE(Dr.Shotgun @ Apr 28 2006, 05:13 PM)
As Rexy once said, I think that its more what you censor with. What happened to the traditional ****s or the

Actually, I agree with this. The filters suck. You should just replace all the words with the

QUOTE(CheeZe @ Apr 28 2006, 05:51 PM)
Actually, I agree with this. The filters suck. You should just replace all the words with the

I think it use to be like that but the smiles stopped working. I liked it better then.
the smiely seems like a good idea to me. anyway, all sthose words don't have a lot of meanings, so 1 smiely can replace them & everybody will understand.
I hated the smiley. It kind of made you looked like an idiot with two or three. I say Battle.net style ftw, !@#$%!
That, inherently, is the point.
But then it looks unprofessional.
Amd we all know that this is a professional site (Even with all the spam and flame being thrown around

Everyone hated the smiley. Just make it F***, S***, B****, and crap like that. Words like d.ck is stupid. But fine, even make them D***. (...wow, that's pretty gay, but better than now)
Thank you for the new filters. My ever-wanting heart is now content.
By the way, fix unreadable colors.
I'm going to have to agree on this one. While my sarcasm of Yoshi's old and super-intense filters was a bit funny, a lot of them were immature.
First off, I corrected a lot of them to more normal forms. For example, what previously was censored to "stupid doo doo head" now produces "detestable human being".
Also, a lot of the censors were downright unecessary in my opinion. There are uses for a lot of those words outside of flaming. This includes a lot of sexual organ censors and such. Be warned, however - use them for flaming purposes and you'll get served. I now see it as better to punish the abusers than to restrict everyone, if it becomes a serious problem again, I'll put the restrictions back, but hopefully we can keep it this way.
Thanks, mean person.[/NOTRIGHT]
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Apr 29 2006, 10:00 PM)
First off, I corrected a lot of them to more normal forms. For example, what previously was censored to "stupid doo doo head" now produces "detestable human being". Be warned, however - use them for flaming purposes and you'll get served. I now see it as better to punish the abusers than to restrict everyone, if it becomes a serious problem again, I'll put the restrictions back, but hopefully we can keep it this way.
So that means if I use detestable human person to call someone who is showing characteristics of one, I get warned for just meerly stating the truth?
That someone is a "detestable human being" can never be the truth. Such a statement is an opinion, so yes, we can punish you for stating your unsavory opinion of someone.