I made a suggestion about a "Map of the Two Weeks" a while ago:
QUOTE(first post)
I really suggest we do something called a "Map of the Week"
- On sites like
http://www.broodwarmaps.net we do a map of the week with melee maps, where many of us get together and take a vote on which map we think is best. We can do the same with UMS maps.
- Last time I was told by minimoose that we had the Map Spotlight. But the problem with those is that they really don't seem to change. They're basically reserved for contest winners.
QUOTE(After being told you can just simply change spotlight)
Yea, but if you look on
http://www.broodwarmaps.net the way they do it gives more attention to those maps because they don''t just only update their MotW list.
They also have a section on the right side saying MotW: (map name), but what makes their MotWs so special is that they actually make newsposts about them. Then people can comment and be like "Congrats so and so," just like as if minimoose made a post for the results of a map making competition. This'll make the MotW system even more special and have people be like "Wow, cool, I really want to have my map receive such recognition." If we make tihs like a mini-map making competition, it'll incite more people to make maps and thus, wanting to submit them to our MotW Competition.
Just updating the map spotlight is boring. It's like giving out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places but without any ceremonies. What's the use of getting 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place if you receive barely, if any, attention for it? What I mean by attention is where people can actually say/respond to the results on the newspost or w/e. We need to do more than just change the map spotlight, we need to somehow bring more attention to those maps that make it into the map spotlights.
This is one reason why I seem to nowadays spend less time with SEN and spend more if it at BWMN, because at BWMN, they have competitions every week (mainly the MotW) and everyday we users can discuss the maps and vote on which one gets MotW. Everyone there is alway eager to know which map is going to get MotW, and there's this atmosphere there where people want that attention, want their map and their pictured posted on the frontpage of that website. It's almost never boring at BWMN when it comes to the SC/map making world there. It's kind of like our SEN games; it's something we all want to win/participate in. Making a MotW system like the one at BWMN here will create that incentive.
QUOTE(People wondered if there will be enough maps)
Once we announce this Map of the Week (or Month) system, people will eventually start pumping out maps. It might take a couple of these competitions to actually get the whole thing really kicking, but like with the one at BWMN, it'll become serious business.
It's because of the MotW system there which I really got into making serious melee maps; I want my melee maps to become MotW.
QUOTE(After DTBK and others say that Map of the Month is better)
BWMN's motw system works where starting on monday, you can submit whatever maps you want to the MOTW competition list. The deadline is on friday and then you have from that day till sunday to discuss amongst yourselves the order of your preferences (like #1, 2, 3 candidates.) Then on monday, we count up the votes and usually (but not always) make the map with the most votes the MotW and have somebody make a cool newspost about it.
So I guess that if we do a MotM (map of the month system) I guess we can make the deadline to enter the maps 1 week before the last day of the month and during that one week, we can play the maps and discuss which ones should be best. There will be no grading rubric or any criterion for these maps; you just simply pick the one you like best or is worthy of a MotS. Maybe we can make an official specially made poll or something (now I said special mainly so that we can also make sure people don't cheat in voting with double accounts.)
EDIT: Well actually, scratch the poll. Just make it discuss only. We'll give everybody the chance to discuss/share their opinions on the map and then a selected few people (probably us staff members) will make the official pick based on how the comments turned out to be.
(This method will reduce as much bias in the map picking, because I know there are PLENTY of people out there who will blatantly exclaim that a person's map sucks or that they show major favortism based on who the authors are.)
QUOTE(After someone suggest map of the Two weeks is better)
Yea I prefer every two weeks rather than one month. It's a little more frequent and doesn't completely put a person down if he misses the deadline and has to wait another month to enter the next one.
It's not like your time in making a map for this competition is constrained to only two weeks. You can spend however long you want on it, and when it's done, submit it to the current Map of the (Two) Week competition that's in progress.
I REALLY think this is a good idea.