Welcome to SeN Survivor: New Zealand. The msot epic season of this unepic game ever. EVER.[/center]
[sub]note - New Zealand has kiwis, expect kiwi based shocking twists.[/sub]
The signups will be broken into Tribes. There will be 3 tribes. When you signup state what tribe you want to be in, and an epic bio. (But don't make it epic, make it fake.)
[center]Signup Rules[/center]
-20 Minerals per person
-Limit of 30 people
-PM me for signups.
[center]Game Rules[/center]
-Pick your tribe
-In between voting rounds there shall be immunity challenges for each tribe, the person that wins immunity will be excempt from the next voting.
-They is the possibility that you will die during the game, if you die, you're out.
-RAWRZ^_^;;! monster will fill any unused slots.
-Winner gets an undisclosed prize ammount.
[center]Tribal Lists[/center]
Teh Pr0nsterz(1)
-Wesmic da Pimp
The Doodan Tribe(2)
-RAWRZ^_^;;! Monster!
Hechtor>Meatloaf>Everything Tribe(3)
-Lonely Duck < Not so lonely now, are ya?
Signup people... I'll go think up crazy-ass immunity challenges