[sub]Becomes the next Meat Loaf.
( If your an idiot and don't appeciate good rock and roll, heres
Meat Loaf )[/sub]
Valug becomes the next not sexy beast!
dies "experimenting" his sexuality with his avatar
DEAD World collapses and DEAD freaks out about it. He then proceeds to be mentally retarded.
Discovers that he is zoo-necro-pedo-homo-sexual. Meaning that he can turn himself on only while having sex with dead young male animals.
Addition to Dema...
Of a C4.
is the riot that does the pwning! dates a kangaroo he finds atractive
JoJo dies, sorry! That what I see in your future. But your 84 and living in a mansion because you are a wealthy rockstar and own 74 ferrari's!
Wants to do his life long dream to be a real lurker so he becomes a scientist and when he is 74 years old the formula has a 1%chance to transform into the ultimate zerg creature there is or 99%chance of a screw up. Luckily it transformed him into a rarwz monster with...
Head=A big lemon
Torso= of a high templar
Pelvis area= of a wild moose
Legs= of a zealot
Ankle= hydralisk
Toes= archons
JordanN will give me a cookie.
Will change his avatar to a picture of Lenin.
Joins the army and fights in world war 12, Canada vs Switzarland
Gets blown up in the nuclear explosions of world war VII
Stop worshiping those FF games, or whatever game you worship...
Will find the shiniest nickel ever.
Will be cursed to eat only healthy milk products forever.