QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
Solar did.
To be nice, I'm sure. He's as annoyed of you as the rest of us.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
I was talking about bomb squad and observer defense
And I'd know that how? You were also comparing Bomb Squad and SolarBall at one point so I figured I could compare whatever I wanted as well.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
Solar said observer defense was like apeiron, but now its the samething as bomb squad.
I said it was like Observer Defense. I never said it was like Apeiron. Solar said it was like Apeiron. He never said it was like Observer Defense. Why are you mixing up what we say? To Solar, it now isn't the same thing as bomb squad. To me it was never like Apeiron.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
I have never seen observer defense before, therefore it doesnt exist.
I have never seen half of Kenoli's maps, therefore they do not exist. I have never seen a map by MillenniumArmy, therefor all 100+ of his don't exist. I have never seen you, therefore you do not exist. Nice logic.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
um.. arent all defenses like that??
Yes. So? I wasn't saying all defenses are not repetitive.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
Vic is the reason most people are in Oo. Good job vic, you should be leader of this map making clan, solar should go do sniper clan.
I recruited Vic, therefore I was here before him. He was leader for a while. It didn't work out, and he resigned.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
hmm Solarball can technically be a defense, you are defending your goal from a ball going into it. HOLY CRAP I SAID HOLY CRAP TOO!!!
And so that would mean any map could be a defense? What a cop out.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
Should have 1 rater, and a fair rater, none of this stupid solarball is better than bomb squad crap.
Then go ask a rater for his opinion of both maps rather than complain about having only one rater int he entire clan.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
So what?? you have a map that I just made and released, and you just bring it out now to say its been made before?? Out of like hmm i tested my map 40+ times, beta tested 20+ times 4 ppl from public atleast, so... 240 people think my map is completely original. I have been playing starcraft for many years and never seen a map like it before, other than weed's incomplete one.
I've been playing SC since 1998 and I've seen that map 4 times (including yours, which is the most recent).
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
um.. moving corsair ontop of scourge. webbing a scourge. thats all you do. 2 things for however long the game goes on.
Bomb squad you, buy move units to edge and aim carefully, you could buy specials that don't come that often. You use different bombs. No its not as repepitive.
Carefully aim? There are large rectangles that you move the "bomb" to. Its jut as repetitive to me. Just agree to disagree and let it go.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
Are you freaking retarded? This is your damn arguement? You're going to say that God isn't real after I say the word "funner" isn't real. Grow up.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
Center locations on corsairs.
Center location on scourge
Center location on the side stuff
order move scourge opposite sides
create stuff under
kill stuff under
how simple is that?
I use lots of ifs and elses in bomb squad. if no enemies at the location it wont do blood. If the level has started there is no starters.. And the armageddon oooh thats complex. Too bad you sucked at the game and weren't able to use it.
Lol. Yeah, that's about it. Just lol. I'm laughing so hard right now... hang on one second I need a drink of water...
...okay I'm back.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
What bullcrap??
You know what, Tell me what the point of your clan is? What do people in your clan get for makign maps for you? All I see them get is NOTHING!! There is no point in being in this clan. Clan Oo is overrated by 100%. What do you get out of being in Clan Oo.
What bullcrap? Do you actually read the reponses to some of the things you say? (U) members, Mp) members, and Oo members alike think your posts make you seem too arrogant. Hell just look at this thread as an example.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
WOW, you need to get out more..
I need to get out more beause I can name all 6 legit map making clans? You're the one talking about being in 3 clans and then spouting all this crap about how much you wanted to practice your pro melee skills in some unknown clan called Es. Give me a freaking break.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
I didnt know people still have imaginary friends at your age. Let's catch up. Santa isnt real, the easter bunny isnt real, Cupid isnt real, Leprechauns arent real. Lastly, God isn't real.
Okay this arguement is so flawed to begin with that I don't even know where to start.
1. On God: Tell that to the masses of people who believe in some form of God in this world. And then realize the hole you just dug. I don't believe in God, myself.
2. Maybe you don't realize it but "God" is used as an expression in the English language.
3. Why would you use this as a basis for an arguement? Are you like 5?
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
and... what did i do wrong?? I am not spamming, I am not being mean towards anyone, Snipe/T- are posting bad things. And that sounds like a threat so now you T- and snipe post bad things. You should be banned from Oo forum.
What did you do wrong? Well lets see... you were spamming (remember the Flight of the Phoenix thread?), you were annoying everyone, you bothered both of Oo's leaders, you argued with higher ranks... ugh why do I go on, you'll just argue it. I wont be banned from Oo's forum, and I have no reason to be. That was a threat by me, though. I'll put it in writing.
QUOTE(Oo.Phoenix.oO @ Aug 6 2006, 08:40 PM)
You done playing nice?? who said we were playing? I am talking.
I was playing. I just said I was playing. As a matter of fact you just quoted me saying I was playing. Therefore saying "who said we were playing" is mindless.
Go ahead and respond again. I know you'll just refute everything I said. And I'll probably just respond with a big "LOL."