I'm going to set this up and lay down some ground rules after I do the contest results (or get bored of doing the contest results).
Here's what I think...
1. Either a big list of names, or one text message per name at the start of a level (you wouldbe able to go all out and create some ASCII art if you feel like it).
2. There are no "claimed" units or units named after you. (there will be units named "op sen", "www.staredit.net", etc). The bounder will be a Zergling.
3. Each person gets ONE square of a size of yet to be determined, for ONE level (no pulling a Level Up Bound in your square
). I haven't even decided how big to make the map yet. As for map size.... I'm thinking 16x16 squares on a 128x128 map, which would give us 64 squares. If that's not enough working area, it can be made larger (a 256x256 bound, rofl).
4. I don't want to, but if it's necessary I'll have to set location/unit/sprite/string limits. We need enough for all of us.
5. If possible, I'd like to distribute the map to one person for editing at a time. There might be a time limit on how long you have to edit the map.
6. People will have to be reasonable. That means no editing someone else's level without a good reason, no random destruction or credit claiming, things of that sort. I might even enforce it with warn level ups if I have to.
3) 256x256 is not a ROFL, it's quite normal. Take Marathon Bound 2 for an example. It has 75 levels and they take up only half of the map. But note, that the creator did not have any space restrictions, so some levels were stretched, and some very compact.
I think 16x16 is too small. You need the respawn area, and the level itself. Let's say the respawn area is 5x5 (to give the players some space !
) and we are left with 11 square long level. Also, subtract 2 squares for the "safe zone". If a standart level consists of 2x2 squares, we will have a level that can be only 4-5 2x2 squares long. Some may find it enough, but then again, if you want to make a stretched level...
4) LOL. Location limit = (8..12) + (amount of levels) + (a fiew more for banner/other options). Why do we need to use sprites ? String limit ? Are you mad ? String limit = amount of levels. Each string can be like "Level 1, made by Mini_Moose".
5) Yeah.
6) Just exclude morons from the list of people that want to work on it. If somebody screws with something they should not screw with, just use the backup file. The one before you gave it to him and give it to another person.
A question, Moose: will there be any difficulty limitations ? Like level 1 can be made by you and be easy, then somebody else comes in and makes level 2 very hard.