Did you add the custom\mgpatch.mgd to MercMirr.mpq? I assume you did, but you didn't include that step in your last post, so I'm just checking...
Oops...fixed that typo. But yes I did add it
You used \ in the filename, right? Not / ?
yes I used \
Are you sure you have the right version of StarCraft? If you use MemGraft 1.13e, you MUST have StarCraft 1.13e. I don't know if you need Broodwar, but I suppose it could be a problem if you haven't got it.
Yes its on the right version
Is the StarCraft dir the same as the one you installed it into? The reason I'm asking is because MemGraft looks in the Windows Registry to get the path to SC, and if you have moved SC, the path won't be right. If the registry path is incorrect, you will probably be prompted if you want to install SC when you insert the SC CD, instead of being asked if you want to play the game
Nope ive never moved the Starcraft folder or anything else.
Templar, do you happen to have 2 SC folders: one to dev and one to play by any chance ? (I assume yes since you can't use MG on 1.14)
No I just change the version to 1.14 whenever i want to play on Bnet or a normal game.
It has to do with MemGraft. What I'm wondering is how you fit MPQDraft into the picture. You shouldn't use it, unless you're using version 1.09b or 1.10 of StarCraft, in which case you do not use MemGraft in the same way.
What do you mean? dont you have to use mpqdraft to put the mgd file into a mpq file to run it?