QUOTE(TheNomad @ Nov 22 2006, 09:32 PM)
A crazy thought struck me...
In your other thread you said that InitTurret (0x17) seems unused. I think it should be called SubUnitInit and I think it is used, but for subunits. Though I am lazy to test, it seems the only logical explanation as to why no other unit has it.
No, it definately isn't used. To test when Starcraft uses the animations, I modify the animations to play a different sound for each one I'm testing. I also make it so none of the animations I'm testing are sharing the same code at least for the part that plays the sound. When I did this on the units with the animation I named InitTurret, I never once heard the sound I assigned to it no matter what I had the units do.
BTW, I named it InitTurret rather than TurretInit because some code labels ended up with the same names and ended up needing numbers after them with TurretInit. Also, I put "Turret" in the name rather than "SubUnit" because there are some units that use it which have no subunit.