Omg...I'm so stupid!
Thanks to Vibrator, with providing me with adding MPQControl to the toolbox, it is now working! Yay! I took out Mpqctl.ocx out of my project, but what I forgot to do was delete the instance that I had made for MPQCONTROLLib.MpqControl. And because that I did not delete that, and I was still using MPQ.AboutBox() (Which should've worked even when I added a COM Reference it did not). What I changed to the code was this:
Or whatever name I was to give the control. It worked perfectly fine! And now I'm sure to be able to use all the functions! (I hope)
*smacks head*
Thanks to all who helped, especially Vibrator, and SF.
By the way, fatmid, I'll be sure to try that then.