It helped me on that idea, that's for sure. But I'm off to make a new template, I'll be sure to post it.
I dont see much all i see is a grey and white area.
Read above, he deleted all the images
Heres one i made for my site, its made in photoshop and then turned into a html table, its all useable, but i probally wont use it, cant be botherd hostiong so ill add a pic
That was very good High.
It fits in with the theme of the game, it dosen't get your eyes blinad and it looks nice.
I'll be throwing SCGC and GF host buttons somewhere soon.
This my
ty layout on my site which not updated in awhile.
CLICK!Error Yahoo! 404: not found.
w00t 404!
sounds really cool dude,keep it up mate
[progress]24 rpg of the heroes[/progress]
Jebus, my site is so fugly compared to yours. Even not compared, its still fugly. I gotta work on that.
Pretty cool website! Whats the website address that hosts your forms?