Holy jesus! Got enough spawners mebe?
I'm gonna guess you had a map hack for that too right?
Progress Update: Ok, today's testing marathon is over. I think we're starting to reach the stage where things are finally coming together. Gone are the old gameplay debilitating bugs (save one, which I quickly exploited on discovery during one of our testing match
). Things are also starting to get balanced finally, so matches can now take place that are actually a bit fun now (once you get used to the system, at least).
I'd like to thank Dark_Marine_123, BlooDMooN, Canthan (I'd thought I signed him up for some reason but I guess I didn't
), and Hinoatashi for helping with testing today (let me know if I missed anyway... sorry Jaff for starting before you could get in the lat game
). I've still got some work left yet to try to reduce the lag and complete the polish, as well as finish the gameplay progression.
I've decided I'm gonna release this now in THREE stages, actually. The first will be just core feature-complete gameplay... pretty much what you guys have already seen now. I can probably do that pretty soon, so I'll try not to make you all wait on that. The next stage will be to add the gameplay progression. That is where the real fun starts to shape. The last stage will be the extended features, such as the overheat system, scientists, team upgrades, and all that funky stuff.
How does that sound?