Great War?
If you wre working for me for 30 days would you want me to pay you 1 penny and pay you double that every day and keep doubleing every day after OR pay you 10 million up front?
10 million upfront (who wants to work?)
Falling off a cliff
Tripping anf cracking your head on a corner?
______ (nice one falcon
FF7 or FF7 Advent Children?
______ (nice one falcon tongue.gif)
;P whoops.
FF7 advent children.
black socks or white socks?
Black socks(baseball??)
Hockey or Football
didnt mean baseball...mean to wear.
Not clicking the link above me and posting about the thing I saw on the front page of the forum, or going there to probably see fomr gay flash video I can't watch on 56k?
I'll choose ______ again. Nice one AGAIN falcon
Star Ocean or Star Wars?
Star wars
Would you eat....
A sack of horse poo
A sack of human poo
Not clicking the link above me and posting about the thing I saw on the front page of the forum, or going there to probably see fomr gay flash video I can't watch on 56k?
That was the choice cloud...
A sack of human poo, it's less of an amount if i had to choose one.
cloud saying _______ again or actually responding to something i put?
Accually responding to something you put.
True Love
1 billion dollars?
True Love
pr0n or w33d!?!?
Old Fish
Fruit Cake?
i guess fruit cake >.<
-.- or ¬.¬
<( ' ' )>
o( ' ' )^ ?
Jak and Daxter
Jak ll ?
Jak II
Hyperblast theme or Hyperblast II theme (KR-Hyperblast-Redux) ?
I choose ______. Nice one again Falcon. Jks lol Hyperblast theme
Me or You?
Me. ;P
Cloud or Cloud's ghost?
Cloud's ghost cause that means hes dead
but seriously, cloud's ghost cause that means hes not alive..
a free trip to texas
a free trip on shrooms
Shrooms FTW
Avatar theft or Avatar Armed Robbery?
Avatar Armed Robbery
Super Lesbians or gay men?
Super Lesbians