QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Oct 9 2005, 10:41 AM)
According to my server logs, there was a memory buffer overload which has nothing to do with the code itself..[right][snapback]330070[/snapback][/right]
Be very careful:
Python is not extremely fast (Slower than the
C family), so having many requests on it will crash the script and/or the server (well, I can guess).
My favorite part of Python, I guess is PyGame at
http://www.pygame.org/MAJOR REPLY EDIT ADD:
A error found by someone else I can comment on:
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
args = ("cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects",)
To put non-string items in a string, you can eiter convert them all to strings, or use the % for
something I forgot the name for.
For example (variables or actual items--doesn't matter):
fullstring = astringhere + str(anumberhere)
"Hello %s, your number is %d" % (theusername, theusernumber)