I'm currently changing between
SCXE and
SCMDraft 2. Most of the times am using
SCMDraft 2, except for the triggering part in which I return to
SCXE Base Mode.
And that is solely because I haven't handled that well with the compiling triggers part in
SCMDraft already.
I just don't use
SF that much, since it has corrupted a map of mine in the past and my only escape was to have kept a replay of it and then converted back the *.rep file into a map.
But imho, there isn't a ultimate map editor and allow me to quote an aqquaintace of mine from other site.
QUOTE(UED77 at WB's (in an old reference to initial map editors @ including SCMDraft 1))
There is no single answer. Those who give you one are either inexperienced or too biased. SCMDraft is probably the best tool for terraining, but it lacks triggers. For that, use either StarEdit or SCXE. Starforge should be your choice if you either wish to manipulate triggers as if they were plain text, or if you would like to place units that snap to a customizable grid. You can even enter the coordinates in the unit dialog to move the unit to another place.
As someone would say... "To Ceasar, what belongs to Ceasar." In sums and if you haven't graped what was saying, they all have their top skills when compared to another, but in average opinion they're all dandy.
And that's the closest I'll ever get into forming an opinion over
SC (map) editors over a debate, although I have my favourites.