omg..... qwerty xxx......XD what does it meaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn
OK can someone just PM thet to me?
Some of these are tuff.
x being a letter
Tis a pattern.
OK next one hmmmmmm.....
Do you guys see a blank rectangle too?
omg...i knew felt so familiar XD cant believe i didnt get it
I can never get the pixelated imageS!!!
Kow, any luck with 15? me = confused.
OK #14 Is retarded.
I still don't know it.
Try playing with it in Paint.
#15 is easy #16 hmmmmmmmmmm.......
I give up.
Somebody tell me the answer to #8.
QUOTE(Tmac020304 @ Nov 2 2005, 07:13 PM)
#15 is easy #16 hmmmmmmmmmm.......
Can you PM me a hint?
I still can't play the game itself. It keeps giving me errors. How the hell did you guys get into it?
clicked the butterfly link and it worked.
Level 18 for me!
OM to the FG im so stupid cant even do lvl 1
It's an eraser from the Pilot company + some band.
Hint for lvl 17:
In Australia, an eraser is called a "rubber".