QUOTE(StalingradK @ Apr 12 2006, 06:10 PM)
Just because they told me? No, I do not just hear something once like that, and am convinced. Have you heard Iran's officials? Or intentions they have had in the past? Or even the terrorist organizations held in Iran are doing. No definate proof they have nukes, that's like saying there is no definate proof Area-51 isn't a military base? Think or North Korean, the world pretty much says they have 8-10 crude nukes, but if you look at their resources, they have enough to make about 8-10 a year. Their intentions on the uses of the nukes were pretty clear, they aren't for national defense...
No, they are only more logical than what I say because it is what you think and how your mind works. My mind works by looking at both sides and making the choice myself. You probably just hear that everything bad will happen from anything the American government does and that is enough isn't it? At first I was like why the hell are we starting to get hostile with Iran, but I have been convinced otherways. But what do you care? probably think of me as a "sheepon".
Debating with someone who eats up corporate garbage? No, I disagree with a lot of things any one does that affects others, but no, just because I look at a certain issue differently, you think "Bush lover!, Corporate Sheep!, American Government corrupts SOB!".
When did this happen anyways? I made that thread because of the Concentration Thread and this one. Nice one smartie.
I looked at it a different way then you stated in my thread if you want to read it.
I insist on saying it because this is what I believe to be right and logical thinking is on my side, political and economical, and just because certain few on this forum have corrupted some of your minds on light of the issues we are discussing in this thread does not mean they are right. Just because bad things happen in this world and things go wrong sometimes, does not mean we go there with bad intentions.
Except we do bombings everywhere all the time and they never lead to a full out war against other nations. And who's Iran's ally? Like some of you have said that China and US relations are purely economical, Iran's and China's relations are purley economical. China only needs Iran for oil.
Something I forgot to comment on: Who "has Iran's back"? are you retarded or something? (not a flame). Yes, ww1 was started that way but times have changed. People are not as built on revenge as much. Even though I know you'll consider the Afghan bombings a revenge strike.
Have you ever heard of The Iran-Contra Scandal? Tha'ts what I thought, be quiet.
Do you really think that some greedy, power hungry dictator is going to look at both sides of an argument? For fark sakes, hell no. Are you on crack or something? And the reason we are going after Iran and making a "Regime change" is because of one thing: Oil. They will use the same petty excuse as they did with Sadam: "We need to get the dictator out of there, and establish a democracy in the name of democracy!" Yeah hu. Democracy isn't about going and killing thousands of innocent people and establishing a form of government. You've been convinced because your mind is petty. You have no common sense.
Judging by how you are justifying the war in Iraq, and our presence in The Middle East, you're a bush supporter. Or at least support his treasonous ways.
So you're justifying making the media thread with claims that you made it because of this and the other thread that he closed.. Sounds to me, you're trying to have the last word.
I don't want to read mindless garbage, sorry.
Logical thinking? Ha! If you had any logic, you would realise that what we say about how our governemt is destroying what Democracy is about, is true. To bad you can't even look at a situation and realise the great and potential harm it has behind it. Think for one second. Invading Iran. What will that do? Hmm... Cause another useless war for no reason? Cause even more countries to hate us because we are the "World's Policemen"? Possibly cause China to retaliate against us because they are sick of our crap and what we are doing in The Middle East? Cause us to establish a democracy there and get cheap Oil prices because we were the ones that put the law there? The possible start of World War III? You don't get it, do you? Invading anymore countries in The Middle East, will start a full scale WAR. How inaine do you have to be, to not understand that simple prospect??
Where? Where else do we bomb, besides the countries we are at war with? Grasping at anything possible to use as an argument are we?? We bombed Afghanistan because: We were at war with them. We bombed Iraq because: We are at war with them. Do you see us bombing North Korea (Didn't we learn the first damn time we farked with them?) Do you see us bombing China? Hell, do you see us bombing Cuba?! And you're probibly right about China needing oil from Iran. But if you were to think about it, LOGICALLY, they will defend Iran from us, because they get it cheaper than they would from us.
That is what I thought. You are groaping in the dark for arguments because you have nothing else to go on. That's very poor debate tactics.
"People are not as built on revenge as much. Even though I know you'll consider the Afghan bombings a revenge strike."
Oh my. What dillusions you have. Why do you think North Korea hates us? #1: Their leader is a nut. #2: We farked with them in the 50s.
Why do you think Iran hates us? #1: We're establishing Democracy where it should not be. #2: We're invaiding countries strickly for Oil. #3: We are the "World's Policemen"
How old are you? I ask you that again, because seriously. It's quite obvious you haven't been in the Real World at all. Human nature consists of Greed, Jealousy, Revenge, and Spite. We bombed Afghanistan to "find Osama" but at the same time, for revenge out of spite. We invaided Iraq out of complete Greed and Spite. Spite, because Bush Sr. couldn't take him out, so Bush Jr. is being daddy's little toy, and doing everything his POS father, could not. And greed for: Cheap Oil prices set by US because we put the local government into power.
I am quit humored by your apparent lack of understanding. Please, enlighten us on why your thoughts are justified, and how this, and any other war we go into, is justified.