QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ Jul 28 2006, 05:05 PM)
I can smell flame coming. It would be of everyone's interests to not flame in this application. Instead, xM should try to prove they have a serious interest. (Which they are attempting) A clan with a serious interest to Starcraft is what staredit is looking for in applications. Not always do they base their "forum grants" on skill.
Noone is flaming. I'm just giving my oppinion. It seems it's not nessessary.
QUOTE(Shocko @ Jul 28 2006, 05:08 PM)
I appreciate yoarguing over my clans acceptance or not, the history of map making clans and who supports me more. But out of all the Oo members Devlin is possibly one of the very few that i like. If devlin says he is supporting my clan then im sure he is telling the truth. As for arguing its, its not doing my application any good and any issues between each of you or your clans should be solved elsewhere. Thank you for both for your support.
Addition: *includes snipe in the arguement*
There is no agueing. Noone is yelling at any one my point was on the bases of my oppinon. Usually arguments have 2 people yammering at eachother.
QUOTE(DevliN @ Jul 28 2006, 05:08 PM)
Yeah, that is a borderline flame, Snipe. As an Oo member, I see a lot of people hating Shocko all the time, but I've played games with him and other xM members and they're pretty cool.
I wont comment on the map making skill because I hate all that "I'm better than you" crap when we're just talking about making maps for a game.
Agreed. I tend to do that a lot. I will be sure to be more carful in the future.. I guess it would be cool to have a new forum clan around. Just if shocko did always talk to much smack, and show nothing than there would have been no flaming or problems in the process.