I'm thinking that it'd be a good idea to have a bit of a dynamic system of getting people to review maps. My idea is to have an election-type system where members can nominate themselves to be an "official" reviewer for the next four to six months, and then the other members do a bit of a vote on who they think would be the best reviewer, or the admins choose one, or hold a "map reviewing contest" or something to appoint two or three members whose job it will be to review maps.
Because you can re-choose the reviewers, bad or lazy reviewers can be filtered out relatively easily. There's nothing that says you have to listen to the reviewers' opinions, so really I don't think there's much of a problem if a bad reviewer gets picked temporarily. But on the other hand, having allocated people as reviewers would mean that proper reviews happen much more frequently, and will generate more interest in the DLDB as well as providing things to put in the map spotlight.
With regards to the map spotlight, I have another idea, which I think I have mentioned some time in the past - there should be different categories of "spotlight" maps. There can be a place for newly uploaded maps, recently downloaded maps, contest-winning maps, recently reviewed maps, recently rated maps, and even a random map. And since most of these can automated, there can be frequently-changing maps on spotlight even with practically no extra effort in the long term.
addition:I just read the rest of the original thread, and realised that a very similar idea (with regards to map reviewing) had recently been posted there. I support that idea, but especially in the form that I put it above (ie, map reviewing, not stamping things with "premium map", and a short-medium term election rather than a once-off thing). I still propose an explosion of the map spotlight to a semi-automatic multi-dimensional display box.

Continually electing reviewers would be a great way to handle the problem, but in addition to continually schedualing periodic elections, you'd need to both have people wanting to be in the poll and people willing to vote for them. I don't expect that'd be a problem, but it is a continous long term thing putting its requirements in human hands. Generally you want the continuous long term stuff to be automated unless you're sure you can hold the enthusiasm indefinitely. Rewards system could help with that, though.
Of course realize that designating reviewers is another form of giving people "rep" to allow their reviews to count more, just simplified.