QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ Sep 6 2006, 06:32 PM)
Devilesk got banned for being an outright arsehole.
I'm sure.
LegacyWeapon got punished because he betrayed some measure of our trust.
And he did that by single handedly (Or maybe it was a duet but my way sounds better) crushed everything SEN stands for. Had Legacy not been a global mod he'd be banned and forgotten. However since SEN is so nice and biased he gets to stay, or as you later put it: Because SEN is so crippled that it can't even survive to hand out actual punishments to those who deserve it. This isn't a discussion of "Maybe we should change the rules" why the hell should you change
EVERYTHING SEN is about because your buddy decided to screw everyone over. SEN has been against unprotection for years ever since it started. It has a database where you get warned if you give credit to yourself or anyone who was not the author (On purpose) you guys are such hypocrits. You like Legacy so in trade for your dignity you protect him while devilesk gets to rot because everyone hates him.
Explain to me otherwise why everyone is suddenly protecting unprotection all of a sudden.
*sigh* I'd be willing to forget the issue personally if he did something to help rectify his actions, though. Maybe not explicitely a re-protector, since that's a little too late for many existing maps already out there. I don't know what exactly... maybe along the lines of helping establish a better DB to associate authors rightfully with their maps or something.
Thank you for proving my point of you all being biased and letting yourself give into to something that you've been against for years. You may have been fine with unprotection before hand by I sure as hell know that everyone who had power to enforce and change rules has been against it till right now. There are no internet community service hours, perhaps devilesk me and all the jerks and spammers that ever went to SEN can open a day care, and then we can roam the streets again right?
Or maybe Hitler should have banged 1000 jewish woman and it'd be alright, I don't actual believe that but you know me, and please don't try that whole "LOL THIS ISN'T GENOCIDE" thing, I know, I'm kidding.
I had some more proof but it's taking too long to find.
As for Mooses' "HE CAME FORWARD LOL" so if let's say, me, or devilesk, or everyone who knew was like "Hey dude Legacy is totalling roflpwning your views" you'd just believe us right and promptly ban him right?
You'd ask him he'd "come through" and we'd be in the same situation. My posts are not to say OSMAP is either good or bad just that you guys should really think about the message you send when Legacy gets away with something that all otehr normal members would be banned for.
In all of its technicalities, Legacy didn't do anything wrong on the site. SEN does not support OSMAP nor unprotection but that doesn't mean individuals can't.
Are you going to tell me with a straight face that Legacy was completely unaware of SEN being the biggest mapping community of starcraft and truthly thought it wouldn't affect SEN as a whole?
Where do you come up with this stuff?