A stinky, zerg-invested kiwi.
And turned into a hydralisk and boarded a dropship
and made babies in the dropship
Vampire babies, to be precise..
which created OSMAP and destroyed the whole
dropship. Expelled into space, they
asked eachother who they were...
and suddenly around them materialized a stolen spaceship that had just gotten out of randomization drive and which was -
very unstable and caused it to slowly begin imploding..
which again spewed them, plus the 3 passengers, into space at a speed of -
sound, utterly baffling the SeN mambers as they wonder how so many different colors of light can appear from one light bulb protruding from its uppermost exterior. A reverse-tractor beam then shoots out the advanced three passengers thought to be lost the nanosecond they left the room, yet await the inevitable doom that lies within the unidentified flying object. As a mysterious new species of the fusion of both the Zerg and Protoss appear before the group's very eyes....
they get whisked away into the laboratory of a mad scientist who had just perfected a remote teleportation device and who plans on -
enslaving the hybrid race and keeping them as his own personal pets..
Except one person named..
Bob, who died soon after because the Zerg invested his lungs.
And then a new hero was born. His name was..
Bob, and he was the offspring of the zerg and who loved to play the violin.
Until one day, someone stole his violin, so he started to
Mutate into Samir Duran and create the first-ever hybrids.
but then the hybrids turned on him, and he ran far far away, to a place far far away, called earth.