QUOTE(S)T-Twitch6000 @ Nov 12 2006, 03:26 PM)
well one thing about that clan (u) has changed there named a few times plus been close to deing a few times there is one thing i do agree on though whoever has been in clan (U) has been a great mapmaker but i would rather stay in clan chef the newest mapmaking clan that will live as long as SC does.
Chef isn't that great ( not meaning to flame if you take it as flame )
Well dude if you look at stuff like that then clan xm is the best map making clan ever lol but no really my main point is clan chef really will live for a while cause of members and how we work but on the comment of clan (u) i meant they changed there tag a few times sorry its has been these tags UuU (U) and i think also U- .But honestly i think for sc to live any longer and all i really hope and think clan oo clan u and clan chef should come together under the leadership of the leaders of Snipe
EcHo and If i am right the leader of (u) is Legacy correct me if i am wrong.
xM isn't the best map making clan ever, i have noted that, never said it is, and never will say it is. Sure people say i brag a lot, people call me a detestable human being etc. I know xM isn't the best, and we're not the most active of clans i know that too. But atleast i accept it. For the record Clan (U) IS the best map making clan at the momment in my opinion.
1) They are talented map makers.
2) They are very respectable people.
3) They are the most neutral of all the map making clans.
4) They have rights to brag that they are the best but don't.
5) Their clan has lasted a long time, and as you will find in Legacy(U)'s resignition thread, the fact that (U) can out live its leadership is more then a lot of clans can say.
but of course this is all my opinion and i wish you the best of luck with your clan.