QUOTE(Vi3t_X @ Nov 17 2006, 05:16 PM)
The new ver is ok. I found the fog of war bug as well, and i really hate it... Also, just a sugestion, but could you add
- Map Zoom to 100, 75, 50, 25%
- Make File Size a bit smaller for those who use slow net connections
- Debug system that actually works (well for me at least)
- Colour Index for versions 1.13f AND 1.14
- Longer Trigger (Conditions, Actions,etc...) space - mabye 64!
- Launcher that allows you to test your map as soon as its done (Launches Broodwar)
- Creation of Special Folder to save Back Ups and Dump Files In
- Sprite into Doad, Doad into terrain, Terrain into sprite mabye?
- Possiblitlity of MABYE, just mabye, making even SMALLER pallets (eg, right now, we have a 1x1 square with normal grid, but with fine, its 2x2 square, and extra fine is 4x4 square. Mabye we can exploit these properties to create a better editor?
Do you maybe mean zoom 200% and so on? because zooming out already works, and the newest version also has zooming in....
How much smaller than half a MB do you want to get? thats 10% of SCXE download size
I dont know what you mean with debug system?
If you point it to 1.13F MPQs it should use the colors in the preview, the help text wont be updated tho.
Its not possible to change trigger format without modding and I stopped working on my tool which did that...
No launcher is planned atm....
How about a special database, which you can open with advanced -> backup database? that already exists....
not really possible...