couple of questions:
1) Are there diffrent pieces to choose from (ie. Zergling, Vulture...etc) like in the original Monopoly or is it all the same pieces?
2) Is there going to be money back from when you land on Free Parking? or is it just a spot?
QUOTE(Maith @ Jun 13 2006, 04:34 PM)
couple of questions:
1) Are there diffrent pieces to choose from (ie. Zergling, Vulture...etc) like in the original Monopoly or is it all the same pieces?
2) Is there going to be money back from when you land on Free Parking? or is it just a spot?
If there aren't different pieces, he will be smacked. =]
Not having free parking and not having different peices basically makes it not-monopoly and he said he'd try to make it as much as the game as possible.
QUOTE(Maith @ Jun 13 2006, 02:34 PM)
couple of questions:
1) Are there diffrent pieces to choose from (ie. Zergling, Vulture...etc) like in the original Monopoly or is it all the same pieces?
2) Is there going to be money back from when you land on Free Parking? or is it just a spot?
1. For the moment, no. But you piece is a burrowed Hydralisk, so I do plan to put some other unit above it to represent your piece.
2. There is no rule in Monopoly that gives you money when landing on "Free Parking." When I first started this with D_Scypher, that was something we considered and looked into. Based on the actual rules from the original Monopoly, "Free Parking" only acts as a rest spot. So whenever you owe money due to a Chance card and whatnot, that goes directly to the bank.
Here's the rule as written:
A player landing on this place does not receive any money, property or reward of any kind.
This is just a "free" resting-place.
See i knew that that was part of the rules, i was just curious if you were going to add that, scince alot of people like play that way(me being one of them).
Getting money from Free Parking is too...easy. Are the Chance/Community Chest cards going to be random, or in a certain order? Because I don't certainly remember shuffling the decks each time I draw a card...
Oh, speaking of the cards is there a disscard pile that gets replaced later on after activating all the cards or is it entirely random and it could end up being that you get the same card?
I have a deck of Chance cards and a deck of Community Chest cards. They are random when you draw them from the deck, but you wont get the same card twice until the deck is done and reshuffled. So to answer your question, you can't randomly get teh same card until all the cards have been chosen first.
Sounds like a great game. seriously i want this game. and i bet when i take it online after release i will see about 50 odd games of the same map.
Haha true. Unless people hate sitting and waiting for so long, I have no doubt that this will become popular for private party games especially.
I have a feeling that someone will use OS Map to steal it eventually, though. So you may see 50 versions of my Monopoly "made" by other people.
Thats why you should make your name appear in a big spot, like on the terrain.
That way people cant steal, very well atleast
I don't see the point of you deciding to roll the dice or not (you're going to roll it anyway). So, instead, I'd suggest that, once it is your turn, to center view on your piece, wait for three seconds or so, and then roll the dice. Once you've landed on a spot, you pay what you have to pay or do what you have to do, and THEN have the timer go to decide what to do next (buy, not buy, mortgage a property, trade propoerties, etc). I suggest this to keep the game going on because if it's 4 players, you could end up waiting 5 minutes until it's your turn again.
I myself wouldn't allow people to receive money from the Free Parking square, because if allowed, the game will last much longer. I have myself played with that rule all my life and I haven't ever finished a game with it (and I've played up to 3 and a half hours).
See ya!
If I don't let people roll, though, then basically the whole game is computer operated. All you'd be able to do when its your turn is buy a property or pay a fine. You can buy houses/hotels, trade properties, and auction properties whenever you want (not only on your turn).
I'll let people roll simply because otherwise, you would just sit back and do nothing at all.
Isn't that pretty much what they're going to be doing anyway? You should have something inventive, like where you have a small battle between the player and the comp or another player to see how far you roll.
he is trying to make it as close the game as he can.
Its just a recreation of Monopoly, but for starcraft.
(From what I get)
my longest monopoly game was 8 hours, i won it (hahaha), and we agree on the free parking at the biggining of the game (depends how we feel), but some people take alot longer then 30seconds to decide if they want to buy the propety or not...
idk, you should have unlimited time, but if people are retards and leave/dont pass then the game stops and its over...
thats why he has it all timed, maybe 1 minute would be better, but idk...
45 seconds for deciding will be more fair
I figured 1 minute would suck for the impatient players, and perhaps 30 seconds is too small for those who take forever. Meh, I may put it at 45.
My honest opinion... no offense... Monopoly in StarCraft = boring. However... Monopoly + StarCraft = better.
so are we gonna have any updates or can we just watch this topic die?
i was gunna make a map like this a few years ago
I hope this map is better than Helen Keller RPG.
QUOTE(Voldamort101 @ Jun 26 2006, 12:39 AM)
so are we gonna have any updates or can we just watch this topic die?
It hath died many a time. As for updates, I found minor glitches in the rolling/movement triggers (both together, not both as two separate triggers) which I think I fixed. I tested the trading triggers, which seemed to work okay. And I began the auction triggers which will allow people to place bids in multiples of 1, 5, 10, or 100.
And I'm afraid of doing all the property triggers and then realizing there's a better, more condensed way of doing the triggers. So far I've found none, so I may just go ahead and finish copying the first 10 propertys' triggers and testing them to see what problems arise.
QUOTE(HackOrDie @ Jul 15 2006, 12:05 PM)
i was gunna make a map like this a few years ago
QUOTE(Xeno @ Jul 16 2006, 02:06 PM)
I hope this map is better than Helen Keller RPG.
Don't kid yourself. Nothing gets much better than the ol' Helen Keller RPG.
Whats the percent on this map?