lol, ya just so you know hes been working on this map for forever. Go look when the first post was posted, then think about what you were asking

Haha yeah. I don't even think I've changed the "Progress" in the first post in months. >_<
I'm addicted to SC board games too...
By the way... I have map making tournaments on my website and one of them is a tournament for the best SC board game map... so get to work on making those board games everyone, and enter my tournament!
By the way Dev... like I said in an earlier post... I'm trying to start a board game fad on SC, because bounds are a dying fad now and we need to get a new, fun, and exciting map type fad going. In other words I just made Electronic Talking Battleship (can be downloaded from the Tactical Warefare section in the downloads database)... now I'm also making a Monopoly map, because I didn't know anyone was making 1 yet, and I had been planning on it for ages... then I was planning on making the board game Sorry... but if a certain board game has already been created by someone... even you... there's no guarantee that I won't make my own version of it, because I know that I'd probably like to play my version better then the other versions, because it was made how I liked it/wanted it... well unless I get some errors on the map that can't be fixed like I did with Electronic Talking Battleship, then it won't quite be how I wanted it.
LOL Maith... nice frog!

That's fine. As I said, others have attempted to make Monopoly and gave up and I'm still going. So eventually, I guarantee that this will be finished whether you complete yours or not.
Oh shucks, I missed my release date.