Kellimus, where you not generalizing in this all? I read that and was offended. Just by reading that I could assume you are calling me a pimply faced kid with no life. So I must say that you are a hypocrit Mr. Kellimus. So please do not whine about something that you yourself is doing.
Also I highly doubt she is a math major. I have never seen a math major that looked like that. Also if she got her major what is she still doing at this private university. So you know a Private University are not that hard to get into, I have one that is like 20 miles from me. If you said Ivy League College I might have been impressed, but then would have known you were lying.
Edit: Noticed you said your GF is 20 so it is close to impossible that she already has her math major unless she started college when she was 16.
hmm he's got a point u know.
Kellimus that girl is not your girlfriend.
where was that picture taken at ne hoot?
Kelli, great for you man. Hope you guys do well.
Shes personally not my taste, but my standards are far diffrent then most of whom i know.
I wonder if it's going to be a permanent relationship or just a one month sex buddy.
Clearly, you people can't take a hint.
Does it matter if this is even Kellimus's girlfriend? No.
Does it matter if you think she is a slob? No.
Instead of delving and handing out a fat lot of warns, I'm just locking this.
Topic Locked