Oh wow... many days past since I worked on senv5
. Stupid life.
Anyways, here's some additions to the global scope:
Any GET variables as "id" or "mid" with an assignment of a non-positive real numer kills the script. Having no value also crashes the script.
Any POST variable as "mname" checks the assignment for valid user name characters.
This allows you to directly insert these post or get values into sql queries safely (as no characters that could make an sql injection attack possible are valid).
configuration.php is laid to rest. There are still some script shared variables in the variable wrapper class's constructor function, so $vars->config still exists, but it exists solely to share common variables needed by scripts for easy changing. For example, you threw $vars->config['rules'] in there for sole use for the login script, it's unnecessary as a private script.
vars->purity has been changed to allow it to be used as a global function, rather than just a post/get check function. So far it's rather useful, however, it might be rewritten, so use at your own risk.
So with that, back to working on the messenger class. Hoping to get it finished today, maybe