Hmm, I know who we are forgetting, ME!!! Eh, but seriously, what the crap,
ANYWAYS, it's my turn!!
Moogle(aka Froggy)
Ezday281(aka ez)
Kame(only nice person on SEN)
MillenniumArmy(he's Christian...)
DT_Battlekruser(the only SEN staff member to not squelch me...more than 3 times
Shadowlash(friend on SC, great map maker)
Slayer776(gave me TONS of wavs, he's also nice...)
Nozumo(fun to argue against him)
CheeZe(...umm don't ask me why I added him)
CaptainWill(he was the first mean person of SEN)
Mr.Kirbycode774(coolest kirby I know..wait, only Kirby I know)
Psychic_Genius(good friend on SC)
RexyRex(I know her friends...)
Screwed(He's moogle's friend, so he must be cool)
People I don't respect at all:
devilesk(don't need a reason)
wesmic_da_pimp(flat-out hate him)
Wilhelm(I think that's theo, so meh, if not I'm sorry)
Alpha(MC) (I don't know him, but he argued fiercely against religion, so boom!!)
And just for some guy out there who I don't know but wasn't put on the list(I know how you feel...
) I'll throw a random name out there.
Caboose(I don't know him, but he won random stranger of the day, so here he is...or her...)
Anyone I didn't mention I most likely forgot...