QUOTE(HolySin @ Dec 28 2005, 10:15 PM)
Just because it says male in his or her profile doesn't mean it's true.
Alright, I'll just let you win. I'm no longer a skeptic of Nuke's death. I just feel horrible that Nuke is gone. Nuke was a great person, gender aside. It doesn't matter if he or she was a man or woman, and I sure feel stupid for asking that sort of question in a thread devoted to Nuke's memory. Goodbye, Nuclear Rabbit. You were a great person, and anyone that thinks that you were low enough to fake your death for attention is a rabbit-eating illegitimate child

Some people probably said that because they didn't want to believe she was dead, also a claim like that is hard to believe at first, I'll admit when I saw it at first I thought it was a joke. I still hope it is, but I'm 99.9% sure it's not.
I never knew her, but a loss of life is a loss of good feelings. Farewell to her.
QUOTE(exo6yte @ Dec 28 2005, 10:57 PM)
to fake your death for attention is a rabbit-eating illegitimate child

We're all hoping that though...
I know honestly, like I said earlier, I wouldn't even really care if she just pulled a mean joke on us, I'd probably enjoy her more than I did before actually..
QUOTE(Kow @ Dec 28 2005, 11:11 PM)
We're all hoping that though...
Damn right. I miss Nuke.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Dec 28 2005, 03:58 PM)
...Get the hell out...

Don't we all? I wish I could have at least gotten to know her better when she was alive.. That's why I need my Time Machine from the Wish thread...
Look at this!!!
Last Active Yesterday, 10:00 PM
that's in her profile!!!!
That's 14 minutes before the topic was posted; login expires 15 minutes after you leave the site. (And for me it's 1:00 AM.)
For those that are skeptical or arguing about his/her gender(and before you complain, read on);
As Exobyte said, Nuke was Nuke, regardless of whether she was female or he was male.
Someone said(I forget who and am too lazy to go back to read it) that mourning is not optional.
If Hitler were alive until now and had a heart-attack, people were glad of it, and someone said that they were "disrespectful" and should be mourning his death, what would you think of that? Whether or not someone mourns or is skeptical is their choice or their self.
Never mind what I said then i haven't been on for a couple of days.
Mp)Shorty said that. Also I'm pretty sure she was talking about in a thread dedicated to nuclearrabbit. I mean say Hitler had lived and no one liked him except his loved ones. Then he died and his loved ones had a funeral for him, it wouldn't be right for some random other people to come in and start disrespecting him. They could do that, but not at the funeral...
If hitlers relatives hosted a memorial for him and people were disrespectful, it would be wrong. I also don't think nuke and hitler are comparable.
"Reverence is not optional, show some respect or...
Don't post"
I see nothing regarding active disrespect.
Not comparable? Exactly my point in choosing Hitler as my example. It's easier to think of what you don't like about someone that did something horrible than it is for someone else, and the other way around.
But apparently, just like some people liked Hitler, some people are skeptical of Nuke's gender or whether or not he/she died, something that most seem to be saying is disrespectful in this case.
Here's the whole thing:
QUOTE(Arbitrary @ Dec 28 2005, 09:53 PM)
Give the theatrics a rest. No one can be completely certain whether this is a prank or if it's real. Reverence is optional.
I've tried searching some online obituary databases, no matches so far.
QUOTE(Mp)Shorty @ Dec 28 2005, 09:53 PM)
Reverence is not optional, show some respect or...
Don't post
Bottom line: stop assuming that everyone should abide by your idea of what is appropriate.
QUOTE(Mp)Shorty @ Dec 28 2005, 10:45 PM)
The only thing childish is DTBK. I'd rather flame an alive idiot then a dead inspiration.
Thank you. DTBK, I saw your post before you edited it, and I cannot believe that a global mod on this site could say something like that on a such a delicate topic. This isn't bullshiz time, I had a friend who died of a brain tumor. He had been dealing with it for a few years and it made his life hard. When he died his family was devastated, the whole family died with him since he was only 15.
NuclearRabbit, I only talked with a few times, but the times I did, I thought she was a really cool person, and she liked alot of good music. I hope she enjoyed her life. R.I.P.
Few of you knew what nuclearrabbit did at all. Look in the Mac Tools section of our DLDB.
Can someone give me an exact or close to exact notation of DTBK's post? Hell, I'm lost.
I flew in here because voyager posted the link to the topic at some secert testing site that I am making.
When I came, the first thing I saw was a serious first post, and a bunch of speculation and off topic comments in there. Then I saw DT_BKs news topic, and I logged in.
I only signed in because this was a issue I felt I had to tell people like it is. You shouldn't go pointing fingers at DT_BK, because there was about 20 more of you doing the same thing in the other topic. The only reason now that most of you are now "innocent" is because I jumped in and ranted about what you guys were doing (I was focused at DT_BK, but its not his fault, a lot of people were doing this).
I still didn't get to see exactly what he said... Yoshi you're testing a secret site and you left us out...? Betrayal
. Rest in Peace - Nuclearrabbit
Ah yes, "the project". I hate all this controversy; I wish I knew the whole truth...
I just wish I could see more of the project than that picture.