me and vib got the channel now.
Op Clan(MC)
Your Ops is now up and running. Is the names in your member list their Battlenet usernames? Just say if they are so I can modify there accesses and such. Also tell me if you want a greet message or other options and so on.
Nice work with the channel. Maybe make a recruit option. I saw one one time where if you push "1" or "recruit" the bot gives you information on how to be recruited.
1. Register (Yes, Requirement)
2. Have a focus in Map Making, Map Reviewing, or Map Tutorials.
3. Tag recommended but not required
4. Supply a link in the recruit info to this thread and tell them to post to be added as member.
As for the greeting do whatever you like.
I'm pretty good with bots and custom commands if you ever need help with that. Currently I'm trying to figure out why my bot won't connect to BNLS anymore otherwise I could run one for the clan channel.
I can do vb scripting so I can make anything we need.
QUOTE(urmom @ May 18 2006, 12:25 PM)
I'm pretty good with bots and custom commands if you ever need help with that. Currently I'm trying to figure out why my bot won't connect to BNLS anymore otherwise I could run one for the clan channel.
you got to get the new revision from stealth
I'm confused about one thing. How can members beg to be promoted (or even be promoted in the first place) if you only have two ranks? Doesn't that basically mean that you're expecting a member to beg to be leader?
I don't want members to ask to be a leader unless I want them to be one. They may ask through PM's if they feel the need.
Wait, so where are the (MC) forums? You said we can't apply to SEN until August.
Good point, I was speaking for after we apply for one on this site.
QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ May 18 2006, 09:02 PM)
Good point, I was speaking for after we apply for one on this site.
I hope to god i can get DD2 done by that time. I just cant do triggers anymore but i feel itd be a great piece of material for the clan.
Volcove99 Private Messaged me and said he's considering joining the clan.
*Failure to show content in a six month period will result, possibly, in removal from the clan unless you are working on a big project.
ok on this one, i might run into some problems.
after memorial day, i work 11 am - 8pm all summer. i have to ride my bike to work for 6 miles each way, so i got to get up at 9 ish to eat and stuff. then ill get home around 9 30. my mother will force me to go to bed.
after that i got band camp. that will free up a little time but not a lot. that runs until 23rd of augest. then ill be working at a store.
basicly, my summer is booked. ill be able to get somthin out around october. as in starting a new map. but i have a very extemely busy scheduel.
ill try my best.
Announcement : Im in need of testers for my current project. PM me if you would like to help me test. i need 5 voloenteers.
Content can include an easy tutorial. That doesn't take very long to do. As for making maps I could make an exception for a reason that good.
eh i could write up a tutorial easy but i dont feel forfilled unless it's a map
im assuming my social life
will abosorb
ALL of my time. lol, i do need the essensials...
when do they plan on switching SEN v5 up because we really need to have a forum on it!
QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ May 15 2006, 11:40 AM)
Same with me, I get out first thing in June.
Loser_Musician= Retired From Content Making, Important Advisor
oO.Bringer.Oo= "Off Period" from StarCraft, 8+ Months
Vibrator= "Off Period" from StarCraft
NuclearRabbit(MC)= "Off Period" from StarCraft
Valug= Doesn't support Clan (MC) remake.
TurtleBoy= No Show (MIA Since March, 2006)
Moogle= No Show
All others have been long gone
Make content and look in my signature for updates. Anyone wanting in the clan can PM me and I will add them to my signature.
No show hmm, lol kinda sounds like me. So reviving the dead clan eh, Turtleboy isnt around nomore i dont think. Uh i guess good luck with clan. I'll think about pm's ya sent me..
Hey I just got my bots up and running today so I can run ops for the channel if you ever need me to. My bots will be on 24/7.
Moogle are you going to be joining our clan or something?
Moogle basically joins every clan.
oh really, then effe him lol
7-7 SENv5 is supposed to be up around the end of the summer. I hope Moogle decides to join.
List of Clan(MC)
Member -Join Date-
DarkArchon(MC) -5/8/06-
Vampire(MC) -5/8/06-
DarkBlood(MC) -5/11/06-
7-7 -5/13/06-
Loser_Musician -5/15/06-
Toothfairy -5/16/06-
Vibrator -5/16/06-
urmom -5/17/06-
Total number of Clan(MC) members: 8
This will be edited every time another member joins or if the content is incorrect!
I checked your list and they're all right.
Oops, you put Vampire(MC) as co-leader. (Mistake)
the only thing I wasnt sure about was Vampire(MC) but I just figured it was the same tima as you because he is your friend and it makes sence to have two people controlling the thing have the same date! should I start a new topic in null made just for entering the site with this at the top, that way people just join there?