Idea#4:What do you need that extra space at the bottom of the tab for? You can move the components a bit lower, thus gaining extra space.
Idea#5:Yup, that's what I mean. Also, if you're to keep the command list (which, on a second thought, is a good idea), I think it would be good to have the button preview right next to it, not below it. I know it causes some UI issues, but if you send me the .dfm file (or the entire BPR if you want) then I'll try to work out something.
This "DatEdit look" you're speaking of is basically just "Arsenal3 look", to be honest. DatEdit's additions were the "Used by" box in the lower right-hand corner, displaying the name of the edited file in the Status bar, and tailoring the User Interface to fit into 800x600 res,that's all.
Also, the new outline you gave to the button preview pains the eyes, IMO. The old one was fine, but if you don't like it, then at least change the colour. Please