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Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> Flaming problem
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-06-14 at 13:30:54
Then please elaborate on what your definition of spam is.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-06-14 at 14:24:00
QUOTE(Kellodood @ Jun 14 2006, 08:30 PM)
Then please elaborate on what your definition of spam is.

I think spamming is a useless and offtopi message. 7-7's messages may be useless, but they are not offtopic. But I don't claim that useless posts are to be tolerated.

I think this is a good example of spamm

It's useless and offtopic, so as my question.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-06-14 at 17:16:59
QUOTE(Jammed @ Jun 14 2006, 01:23 PM)
ADDITION:I think this is a good example of spamm[right][snapback]506497[/snapback][/right]

That's not spam, that's called being immature and saying a bad joke. Unforenately SEN doesn't ban people for that.

As for 7-7 the majority of his 1002 posts (As of right now) are from stupid fourm games like "Ancronym Game" "Three Word Adventure" "Where'd the Dollar Go" etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-06-14 at 17:18:57
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Jun 15 2006, 12:16 AM)
That's not spam, that's called being immature and saying a bad joke. Unforenately SEN doesn't ban people for that.

So what is spamm by your opinion ?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-06-14 at 17:30:55
Anyone who does this:
This is stupid

As an entire post, outside of Null. And any posts that only have a single word, even in null. If your there's a poll and one opition is other and you choose it don't post saying:
"Other" because no one cares. You could state why? I tried looking at some prime spammers but I couldn't find any spam on the first two pages of their posts so I gave up.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-06-14 at 17:42:11
That quote can have a huge range of meanings. Anyway, if the "prime" spammers are not delt with yet, it can mean two things:

-they are defined as spamm but have no actions taken according to them
-the staff had different definitions of spamm
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-06-14 at 21:44:53
Or the staff never read their posts because there's not enough of them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by in_a_biskit on 2006-06-15 at 04:51:04
I think it's quite likely that at least every post on 'major' forums is read by at least one moderator - I would think it very unlikely that a post can be regarded as spam by several members, and not be read by any of the moderators. I'm not so sure about the more specialised forums like the creative forums though.

I guess the problem with 'diagnosing spam' is that spam is only really a problem when there's lots of it. So you can't really tell if something's going to be a problem from a single post. And, as Moose pointed out, even if someone makes a lot of posts in a short time, it doesn't necessarily show that they're spamming. (I would point out, though, that in that case it's quite likely that they are doing something close to spamming). But I think it's probably too harsh to punish or warn for something like a post continaing only "lol", on the basis that "it would be considered unhelpful to have a large number of similar posts". =\

But I'm interested to know what others think of Kellimus' earlier question/statement: Which is the greater problem, flame or spam?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kellodood on 2006-06-15 at 10:47:14
Most people here will say that Flame is worse. Because it "hurts people's feelings"

Really. Who cares what people say or think about you? It's the internet. More than likely, the person who is talkin' smack on you, is some little nerdy reject that has no life, and has to talk crap on everyone to make himself feel good.

In my opinion, spam is much, much worse. My reasons are:
  • Takes up precious database space
  • Shows unprofessionality
  • Gives the illusion that the Administrator does not care much about the content of the site

Sure, flaming shows "unprofessionality", but compared to spam it is like a bucket of water against a forest fire.

Flaming IS a problem, yes. Only if the person straight out flames (Imo) An example: "You are a stupid retarded faggot!"

Those kinds of flames should not be tolerated, and I bet most of you agree with me. But the kind of flames that are so damn subtle to where the person being flamed can't even see it? Should someone really be punished if a person can't even tell they are being flamed?

Those are my thoughts at this time. Just figured I would give my two cents (Again)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-06-15 at 13:02:50
Really. Who cares what people say or think about you? It's the internet. More than likely, the person who is talkin' smack on you, is some little nerdy reject that has no life, and has to talk crap on everyone to make himself feel good.

If you can honestly purport that opinon, then why are you compelled to flame back at every member that even ruffles your pride? If you truly believe what you said, try learning to turn the other cheek.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-06-15 at 19:13:00
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Jun 15 2006, 12:02 PM)
If you can honestly purport that opinon, then why are you compelled to flame back at every member that even ruffles your pride?  If you truly believe what you said, try learning to turn the other cheek.[right][snapback]507014[/snapback][/right]

Or use a better way of dealing with the situation. Unfortnately calling someone immature for being called a "ghey noob" is "Unprofessional" real "professionals" live in their happy world and disregard hate :(((
I would think it very unlikely that a post can be regarded as spam by several members, and not be read by any of the moderators.

Welcome to SEN.

Though what Kellimus said is pretty much hypocritcal since his flamming is smaller, but in almost every single post, he has a point. Plus most of the reason I hate certain people on the fourm is because they're spamming their way to get status(s?) like Regular, or Elite. Which sort of ruins the purpose of those titles, in my opinion. I'm sure someone is going to add it "Wait for V5, where you don't get Regular and Elite with posts alone" but I guratee that people like Deathawk and RedNara will both get elite before V5. In which it took most people already elite around a year and a half, and others even longer to achieve. I'm not saying they spam a lot now (In deathawk's case...) but they did at some point, and nothing was done about it.

Maybe if there wasn't a real reason to get Elite/Regular except for a colored name, then people wouldn't spam as much. I know someone who is trying to get a Regular title so they can edit Title and send Carbon Copy PMs. Though elite status is nothing that speical, regular is since they have more possiblites and it takes so long to get there, 300 posts? That seems kind of high just to send the same message to 3 different people. The only reason I wanted to get elite was so that I wouldn't be related to other people who spammed there way to get hundreds of posts, but apparently that idea won't work soon.

So if you missed the jist of my post it's that Spamming is more popular then flamming, and spamming could even start flamming. Some people might post stupid stuff in a topic and other people will get upset that he's allowed to do that. Spamming is possible anywhere, the only place I see possible for flamming is certain topics in Null (Which should be easy to spot immidietly) Lite/Serious Discussion, and maybe Maps in Production if some person keeps talking about how a map sucks etc.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-06-15 at 19:20:07
I think we should re-implement the Karma system... why was it taken down anyways?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-06-15 at 19:24:55
I was going to suggest once someone hits the post count for Elite, they automatically go up on a list for "review" by the staff for elite status. Promptly after I'd be beaten to death with accusals of bias and elitism based on who gets or doesn't get it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-06-15 at 19:36:42
A lot of other people might get elite before v5 comes too -.-

Maybe there could be a time requirement to be an elite too?

In total, if I go at the pace I'm going at, it'd be about a year to get elite. I don't see the big deal about that. I post(ed) a lot, yeah, but I don't remember ever being told by a mod, or ever getting a warn for it.(Except EzDay's warn.. but he never cited anything, and then said he couldn't remember what he warned me for... so that doesn't count -_-)

I can understand if I fill up my posts with like !!!!!!!!!!!11 and post a lot of crap that doesn't really matter, but just posting a lot isn't spamming ;\
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-06-15 at 20:42:19
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Jun 15 2006, 06:36 PM)
I can understand if I fill up my posts with like !!!!!!!!!!!11 and post a lot of crap that doesn't really matter, but just posting a lot isn't spamming ;\[right][snapback]507259[/snapback][/right]

I know that's why I didn't put 7-7 up there. All his posts (Unfortenately) are not that spammy at all, or at least the first 5 pages of his posts are not. But I remember a lot of your posts were single worded (Like polls) or other things like a smilie face "OH NOES >>>>>::::::(((((((((((((((" etc.
I was going to suggest once someone hits the post count for Elite, they automatically go up on a list for "review" by the staff for elite status. Promptly after I'd be beaten to death with accusals of bias and elitism based on who gets or doesn't get it.

That'd be a good idea, and the elitism is kind of stupid. It's an elite status, you don't get anything from it. Though what Deathawk suggested is also good, having a certain time on SEN (Say a year and a half?) then you can get it. I think the Time + Posts is the better way to go.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-06-16 at 07:05:57
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Jun 15 2006, 07:41 PM)
I know that's why I didn't put 7-7 up there. All his posts (Unfortenately) are not that spammy at all, or at least the first 5 pages of his posts are not. But I remember a lot of your posts were single worded (Like polls) or other things like a smilie face "OH NOES >>>>>::::::(((((((((((((((" etc.

That'd be a good idea, and the elitism is kind of stupid. It's an elite status, you don't get anything from it. Though what Deathawk suggested is also good, having a certain time on SEN (Say a year and a half?) then you can get it. I think the Time + Posts is the better way to go.

That's sort of why the polls don't get counted as cumulative posts.

And smilie faces represent words!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-06-16 at 07:12:24
It's still spam, you can just vote you don't have to be plain and just say what you voted for. You could say WHY you voted for it at least that would add something to the post.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by in_a_biskit on 2006-06-16 at 08:10:44
I disagree that spamming is "unprofessional" or implies that admins "don't care much about website content" any more than flaming does. I think also that the concept of "subtle flaming" is a very dangerous one. But I do see how spam is a large problem as well.

It seems to me that the problem arises mainly because SEN has such a large active population - on smaller community forums, people don't mind posts like that at all - partly because they don't take up so much DB space, partly because even if half the members make such "casual", "no-brainer" posts, the original topic still won't be destroyed (and other reasons too, of course).

On SEN, spam has a much greater potential to completely swamp out and suffocate a thread. And it's much more likely that it's going to get on someone's nerves. And it's also possible that people feel that since they are in such a large community, they are more 'anonymous' than even normally on the internet, and may feel like they can get away with more by blending in with the crowd (or they're just acting the way the crowd does).

So in a large community like this, there's really no point in simply letting people know what you voted for in a poll without any kind of comment, justification or persuasive point, because, as several members would frankly put it, no-one really cares. Similarly, it's inappropriate to make comments that "contribute nothing to the discussion". Things like this are quite hard to learn though, especially for people who have been active on much less strict forums elsewhere.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RedNara on 2006-06-16 at 13:11:58
Nope Golden-Fist you got it wrong XD... I do not spam now, yes I did use to spam at one point. Now I don't even come to this site that often, don't know why Syphon said i was spamming.

But after DT said I was spamming because I said it was my 300th post I stopped spamming.

It seems like Syphon said I was spamming because more about my grammar issue. I'm still pretty angry about that. I feel like its actually insulting.

And also Null section shouldnt even be considered as a post XD... People get a lot of post from there, I never go to the null section, I only hang out around the art, clan, gaming, and maps in production section.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-06-16 at 14:37:26
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Jun 16 2006, 06:12 AM)
It's still spam, you can just vote you don't have to be plain and just say what you voted for. You could say WHY you voted for it at least that would add something to the post.

You see, that's where I disagree with you. Especially if the thread is "WHICH ONE IS BETTER, TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK"

Especially if it's in the null..
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-06-18 at 02:10:56
It is so definitely time to revive my system and put it back on the drawing board. It's seen huge arguments, but I'll back it up to what I think is the better, simpler working model.

Most of this is copied from one of my posts circa June '05

The System

(f [(1.4a + b/10 + (d-5)/2 * (3e/4)] [(-1/20) (c-6)[sup]2[/sup] + 2]


a - days as a member of SEN. This plays a large factor in the formula, as it is impossible to rig or cheat. Te longer you've been around, the more respectable you are. End of story.
b - post count (cumulative would be better, but I have the sinking feeling that was being scrapped in v5...). Your number of posts should play a small factor.
c - posts per day. Your posts per day level is an excellent determinant of activity, and thus generates a multiplier based on your contributions to the community.
d - member rating from 1 to 10. The way this ought to work is each member can rate each other member once from 1 to 10, and then revise their rating as they see fit. Not yet implemented, but it should be fairly easy to code.
e - #of members who rated the person. See (d)
f - admin rating of member starting at 1.000 and bounded from 0.500 to 1.200). Simple a value that it changed by admin/staff based on your behavior that adds an overall controlling factor. Would be changed via the Warn Control Panel and be seen only by Staff and yourself (like warn). Not yet implemented but simple to add.

For examples, the formula has been applied to three members for June 1, 2005, and May 16, 2006.

a = 357
b = 2203
c = 6.2
d = maybe 8?
e = 25
f = perhaps 1.1? You're an admin so you can input your own value.

(1.1 [(1.4(357) + 2203/10 + (8-5)/2 * (3(25)/4)] [(-1/20) (6.2-6)[sup]2[/sup] + 2])

1.1[(499.8 + 220.3 + 28.125)(1.998)]


DT_Battlekruser (05/16/06)
a = 707
b = 3778
c = 5.4
d = 9
e = 50
f = 1.2

(1.2 [(1.4(707) + 3778/10 + (9-5)/2 * (3(50)/4)] [(-1/20) (5.4-6)[sup]2[/sup] + 2])

1.2[(989.8 + 377.8 + 75)(1.982)]


a = 261
b = 672
c = 2.6
d = 9
e = 65
f = 1.2

(1.2 [(1.4(261) + 672/10 + (9-5)/2 * (3(65)/4)] [(-1/20) (2.6-6)[sup]2[/sup] + 2])

1.2[(365.4 + 67.2 + 97.5)(1.422)]


isolatedpurity (05/16/06)
a = 611
b = 873
c = 1.4
d = 9
e = 75
f = 1.2

(1.2 [(1.4(611) + 873/10 + (9-5)/2 * (3(75)/4)] [(-1/20) (1.4-6)[sup]2[/sup] + 2])

1.2[(855.4 + 87.3 + 112.5)(0.942)]


a = 322
b = 2256
c = 7.0
d = 9
e = 45
f = 1.15

(1.15 [(1.4(322) + 2256/10 + (9-5)/2 * (3(45)/4)] [(-1/20) (7-6)[sup]2[/sup] + 2])

1.15[(450.8 + 225.6 + 67.5)(1.95)]


BeeR_KeG (05/16/06)
a = 672
b = 3198
c = 4.8
d = 9
e = 50
f = 1.2

(1.2 [(1.4(672) + 3198/10 + (9-5)/2 * (3(50)/4)] [(-1/20) (4.8-6)[sup]2[/sup] + 2])

1.2[(940.8 + 319.8 + 75)(1.928)]


See, it works over time!

I still back my system in a v5 that seems will be forever in release. Could probably be simply coded into a dreamy v4.2 though.

Besides the same old, any new comments?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-06-18 at 02:15:46
Okay DT, we don't all have to post our systems now. tongue.gif
"Flaming problem"?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-06-18 at 02:27:19
Well, we got off on this tangent about spamming and ranks over the last 12 posts on page 7...

and the system had died.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-06-18 at 09:14:29
So an admin would have to rate people every day...?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by n2o-SiMpSoNs on 2006-06-18 at 09:42:25
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Jun 18 2006, 08:14 AM)
So an admin would have to rate people every day...?

no, he ment if an admin warns you the rating goes down, if is on v5 if someonme gives you karma your rating goes up
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