Here's a copy of the log...(blames broken attachments). Towards the became a general modding I cut out the parts that weren't related to FG.
4:58:09 PM Voyager7456[MM] On that list thing at SEN... have any of the ones currently labeled as "feasible/possible/whatever" been changed to "impossible" with the new patch?
4:58:47 PM Voyager7456[MM] is the list, for anyone who doesn't visit SEN regularly.
4:59:05 PM DiscipleOfAdun That list is partially outdated.
4:59:19 PM DiscipleOfAdun But, most of the easy constant changes are still possible
4:59:25 PM DiscipleOfAdun And, most of the jump changes are too
5:00:09 PM DiscipleOfAdun However, I haven't added support back in for stuff like Reverse Recall(sorry), because it happens to be a per patch basis.
5:00:45 PM DiscipleOfAdun However, I do have a system in place that can negate that effect. However, useage of that makes it patch dependant, as all CASM is.
5:01:41 PM Voyager7456[MM] I see... so those things are still possible, but need to be redone for the new patch?
5:02:07 PM DiscipleOfAdun short answer, yes. If I have it under the possible list, then chances are there is still a way to do it.
5:02:12 PM Demaris Are player flags in the list of editable stuff?
5:02:35 PM DiscipleOfAdun Please explain more. There's so many flags, which ones are you talking about?
5:03:00 PM Demaris I'm blatantly in over my head here, I probably need to know more to ask questions.
5:03:19 PM Killer_Kow(MM) i believe he means flags that allow players above 8 to be used by players
5:03:25 PM Demaris Yes!
5:03:37 PM Killer_Kow(MM) or as players
5:03:47 PM Demaris Yes, that's it
5:03:49 PM DiscipleOfAdun If you mean having more than 8 players in a game...
5:04:29 PM Demaris Like, removing the flags that makes player 12 special, and running AI scripts for 9-12
5:04:48 PM DiscipleOfAdun Possibly, if the game does not hate the changes.
5:04:54 PM DiscipleOfAdun Those would be under constant edits
5:05:02 PM dumbducky awesome
5:05:16 PM Killer_Kow(MM) Are you still planning on including the limit expander, despite errors when saving/loading games?
5:06:06 PM DiscipleOfAdun No. Because of patch problems, I cannot easily add that in.
5:06:13 PM Killer_Kow(MM)
5:06:17 PM DiscipleOfAdun I may do the weapons limit, if the code hasn't changed to much.
5:06:21 PM DiscipleOfAdun To explain more:
5:06:41 PM DiscipleOfAdun Unit limit used to require 3-4 code changes to work, it would now require over 100.
5:07:11 PM dumbducky what's a weapon limit?
5:07:21 PM Killer_Kow(MM) sprites, maybe?
5:07:23 PM DiscipleOfAdun The weapon limit, which causes the Valk lockup, is a little easier to edit.
5:07:45 PM DiscipleOfAdun The limit is 256 weapons existing at once.
5:08:07 PM DiscipleOfAdun however, valks lock up before that.
5:08:25 PM DiscipleOfAdun If I can find that limit, I'll include it.
5:08:27 PM Killer_Kow(MM) Without other things expanded, will the save/load bug still exist?
5:08:53 PM DiscipleOfAdun If I only do the weapon limit, I assume I can find all the offsets in the load and save routines.
5:09:04 PM Voyager7456[MM] Are you planning to have an import .pat/.mgd feature? If so, when?
5:09:45 PM DiscipleOfAdun The importing .pat, .mgd, and .mgp is planned to be included either before the closed beta, or immediatly after it.
5:10:02 PM dumbducky who's in the closed beta?
5:10:05 PM DiscipleOfAdun I have specs for each of those files, so it is just a matter of interpreting the data.
5:11:06 PM DiscipleOfAdun The closed beta includes several members from WB, SEN, and a couple of other assorted modders(like Hercanic). The SEN-Mod Team(and possibly Starchitects) are also be included.
5:11:07 PM U-238 Q: Will the size of the .dats be editable?
5:11:35 PM DiscipleOfAdun I have not decided on .dat size yet, mainly because the same problem that the limits have occurs with them.
5:11:48 PM DiscipleOfAdun If I do include it, it won't be until much later.
5:11:51 PM U-238 hmm
5:11:57 PM Demaris Forgive my ignorance, but is it possible to include things like the Halo rocket effect with glave worm bouncing via FG?
5:12:05 PM DiscipleOfAdun And, I'll probably only do flingy, sprites, and images
5:12:22 PM DiscipleOfAdun Those effects are actually achieved with weapons.dat and Iscript.bin.
5:12:28 PM U-238 I suppose I'll have to do a seaperate program just for dat size editing -.-
5:12:32 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt besides just only the game, can Firegraft also make mods for StarEdit and X-tra Editor like MpqDraft does?
5:13:27 PM DiscipleOfAdun So far, FG's data file only supports the Executable itself. Perhaps you could state why you would like Editors to be able to use effects of FG, giving examples?
5:13:41 PM Demaris UMS mapmaking for mods involving FG.
5:13:54 PM Demaris That'd be my first guess.
5:14:30 PM Voyager7456[MM] Aren't the effects of FG more noticable ingame though? I mean... the sort of changes that MemGraft makes don't affect StarEdit all that much.
5:15:31 PM DiscipleOfAdun That's my main issue, is I don't know what changes that you'd need from FG in an editor. A good example would probably pursuade me.
5:15:42 PM Voyager7456[MM] Will FG be open source?
5:15:58 PM DiscipleOfAdun As of current, I plan on making the Application side open source
5:16:30 PM DiscipleOfAdun I do not have plans for the loader to be open source yet, due to the nature of the coding. I might make the plugin open source.
5:17:49 PM U-238 How long will you stay on top of firegraft after its release?
5:18:05 PM U-238 I mean how long will you continue to update it and such
5:18:23 PM DiscipleOfAdun As long as I can. I will release the format of the .fgd file so it can easily be updated
5:18:59 PM DiscipleOfAdun That way, others can update it for each version.
5:19:55 PM U-238 nice
5:20:01 PM dumbducky how far into progress is it?
5:20:12 PM DiscipleOfAdun I estimate about 75% of the application side is completed.
5:20:31 PM DiscipleOfAdun Meaning the important stuff, like buttons and requirements are done
5:20:48 PM dumbducky excellent
5:20:50 PM DiscipleOfAdun most of what needs to be finished is the file features(new/import/save)
5:20:58 PM U-238 now comes the fun stuff like the exe edits right?
5:21:04 PM U-238
5:21:14 PM DiscipleOfAdun yes, the exe edit tab is not functional yet.
5:21:23 PM U-238 didn't think so
5:21:32 PM DiscipleOfAdun That's what else really needs to be finished
5:21:42 PM DiscipleOfAdun that and finding all the offsets for the info in the exe.
5:21:54 PM U-238 yea
5:25:15 PM DiscipleOfAdun now, of those who are here, I believe that 2 of you have seen my exe so far, am I right?
5:25:22 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt I know there was a patch that made it impossible for MemGraft, but with Firegraft coming, will it allow you to morph units into eggs again?
5:25:47 PM DiscipleOfAdun To answer that - not in the way you would think.
5:26:10 PM DiscipleOfAdun Blizzard actually became not dumb in 1.14, and changed a bunch around.
5:26:18 PM U-238 not in the way he'd think? It either does it or it doesn't
5:26:39 PM DiscipleOfAdun So, so far, I've only been able to change the unit ID of what unit can/can't morph
5:26:40 PM O)FaRTy1billion DiscipleOfAdun says: now, of those who are here, I believe that 2 of you have seen my exe so far, am I right? *has seen the EXE, if its the one I think you are speaking of*
5:27:04 PM Voyager7456[MM] Uh... I've seen both EXEs.
5:27:48 PM DiscipleOfAdun Okay, for those of you who haven't...I've changed the Requirements to a list instead of the trackbar that both SG and MG had.
5:28:22 PM Voyager7456[MM] Do you want me to post a screenshot of the requirement list?
5:28:50 PM DiscipleOfAdun yes voy, that would be good...I don't have the exe with me right now.
5:29:08 PM O)FaRTy1billion Is FireGraft going to be able to edit the strings in the EXE; such as the MPQ locations? I'm not sure how you are going to make the patches, but it would be nicer than having to hexedit everything to make it run specific files. I will sometimes edit other files and need to link them, and also some people like to change some of the file extentions.
5:29:19 PM DiscipleOfAdun Ah, strings.
5:29:21 PM O)FaRTy1billion (I have only asked that half a million times..)
5:29:30 PM DiscipleOfAdun I haven't made up my mind yet.
5:30:20 PM DiscipleOfAdun Strings become tricky when you try to save them beyond the original space allocated.
5:30:34 PM O)FaRTy1billion If it was possable to make it so you can use a custom EXE, then Hex-Editing would not be a problem. However I am not sure exactly how many average modders have hex-editors.
5:30:39 PM Voyager7456[MM] 5:31:13 PM DiscipleOfAdun I might consider adding in edits where the size is not exceded.
5:34:59 PM DiscipleOfAdun Now, those who haven't seen that before - does the req look better like that then as a track bar?
5:35:08 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt yes
5:35:13 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt it looks nice
5:35:56 PM Voyager7456[MM] What would happen if I remove the BREAK? >: )
5:36:34 PM DiscipleOfAdun Try to do that.
5:37:18 PM DiscipleOfAdun
5:38:03 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt In the screen shot, I see the title FirGraft for StarCraft 1.13f. Wasn't FireGraft sapposed to work for all versions?
5:38:38 PM DiscipleOfAdun Not every version, unless the offsets were found for that version.
5:39:07 PM DiscipleOfAdun FG uses a data file to determine those offsets. For each verison ,you'll need a different data file.
5:39:43 PM DiscipleOfAdun The loader and app themselves do not care about version. They use the data file to determine if you have the right sc version.
5:40:16 PM DiscipleOfAdun However, inclusion of Custom Assembly makes it so that I must check version when any CASM exists in a patch.
5:41:34 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt when you add bottons, you need to set the icon for that botton. in In MemGraft and Firegraft, some of the icon names were unkown091 or something. Are you planning to name the unused icons or leave them as unkowns like FireGraft and MemGraft did
5:41:59 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt not really important, but just wondering
5:42:48 PM DiscipleOfAdun the names for the icons are based in a text file. So far, unless it says 'BLANK' on the icon, it has a name.
5:43:10 PM DiscipleOfAdun The application will be able to have a different cmdicons.grp and txt file to go with it
5:43:48 PM DiscipleOfAdun also, a different stat_txt.tbl
5:44:54 PM O)FaRTy1billion Aren't icons in a certain order? As far as I know you could give them a name, but maybe add a "(Blank)". I guess leaving it as "Blank" would be best, because then it will be easier to understand.
5:45:38 PM DiscipleOfAdun The icons are in a paticular order up to 227
5:45:57 PM DiscipleOfAdun after that, the .dat files take over
5:46:27 PM O)FaRTy1billion Well, thats what I meant.. I was thinking more of units and not much after them.
5:47:28 PM DiscipleOfAdun The icons for the units are all named.
5:48:12 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt O, didn't MemGraft and StarGraft had also had unused commands? Like teleoport? Will Firegraft will be able to enable them?
5:48:20 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt I mean orders
5:48:30 PM DiscipleOfAdun You mean under the Requirements?
5:48:53 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt hm... its been i long time [since] i used Memgraft. I guess so
5:49:29 PM DiscipleOfAdun In that case - yes. The little used check box on the tab will toggle if the patch has that requirement.
5:50:00 PM Voyager7456[MM] Will exclusive bonus features (such as FG Chat: The Making Of and Cast interviews) be available to those who enter the promotional code?
5:50:16 PM DiscipleOfAdun
5:50:21 PM Voyager7456[MM] all seriousness, I'm out of questions.
5:50:56 PM DiscipleOfAdun to answer my first question in bold(lol, not even - WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE DONE?):
5:51:07 PM DiscipleOfAdun (copy from notepad...)Based on how much time I have to work, the closed beta could be as early as mid-september, or as late as late as the end of October. I except that I can have the open beta by Thanksgiving.
5:51:35 PM DiscipleOfAdun However, don't hold me to that too much.
5:51:46 PM DiscipleOfAdun It's an estimated guess
5:51:48 PM Voyager7456[MM] Woot, the Battlestar Galactica premiere AND FireGraft Beta? October FTW...
5:52:36 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt I can't wait going back making button mods again. =|
5:52:50 PM Voyager7456[MM] Yeah... except... I never STOPPED making button mods... >>
5:52:51 PM DiscipleOfAdun Also, another thing - the loader I'm using(not the plugin) might also contain features from other plugins...depending on if others will let me use some of their code.
5:55:10 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt You know some mods had the Valkrie use Afterburners (stimpacks), everytime the Valks uses stimpacks, it makes the sound of the marines. You can you two bottons in FireGraft make two diffreant sounds for each unit?
5:55:30 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Can you*
5:55:56 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt er,,, sorry. Can you make the same bottons be a little diffreant for each unit?
5:56:10 PM DiscipleOfAdun Not easily, but that is possible with the assembly function.
5:56:33 PM DiscipleOfAdun the problem is, thee sound is coded into the action itself, not onto the button.
5:56:42 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt ic
5:58:23 PM Kaja TG Will Firegraft be able to make unit's require that the same unit isn't already on the map, if that makes sense.
5:58:50 PM Voyager7456[MM] Oooh, that's a useful one... >>
5:59:24 PM DiscipleOfAdun I might be able to do that, depending on certain things.
5:59:45 PM DiscipleOfAdun However, I would love to see that included.
6:00:02 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt wow
6:00:06 PM DiscipleOfAdun So, chances are I'll find a way. Don't know how normal-user it will be...
6:00:51 PM DiscipleOfAdun That would, however, be a version specific thing, I think.
6:00:56 PM O)FaRTy1billion So it will be somewhat possable to add things, depending on if the user knows how?
6:01:13 PM O)FaRTy1billion "things" being requirements, commands, etc.
6:01:21 PM DiscipleOfAdun Well, my assembly system I have right now can do 'anything' in the exe.
6:01:38 PM DiscipleOfAdun bringing it to the masses is a different thing
6:01:41 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Planning to have a fancy splash screen picture or logo signature in that program of yours for everyone to see?
6:02:32 PM DiscipleOfAdun Yes, I am planning on having a splash. If I can remember right, nirvanajung has made an image that I like, I might ask him to improve on it.
6:03:26 PM Kaja TG Will FG be able to add brand new sounds to the game? Like makeing a Ready sound for Fenix?
6:04:29 PM DiscipleOfAdun Hmm. That isn't one I have ever considered.
6:05:16 PM DiscipleOfAdun However, in that paticular case - you just need to use DatEdit.
6:05:38 PM DiscipleOfAdun What I haven't considered is expanding the units.dat fields so all units can have every sound
6:07:08 PM Kaja TG Elaborate on what you mean by "Every"
6:07:16 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Can you make the Queen infest any other building?
6:07:17 PM DiscipleOfAdun all 227
6:07:59 PM DiscipleOfAdun Queen - not easily. I tried doing this once before, but the code is so very picky that I had to make every unit infestable. Unfortunately, the game crashed.
6:08:24 PM DiscipleOfAdun I doubt I could redo that even with the assembly features that I have.
6:08:35 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt ok
6:08:58 PM DiscipleOfAdun I will have changes so that it doesn't have to be the Command center
6:09:21 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt What about increasing the mana points limit?
6:10:09 PM DiscipleOfAdun The highest mana could go to is 255, because it is an unsigned byte. However, you will be able to change it.
6:12:28 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt You know that a unit that is perminently cloaked and has mana cant regain its mana. Can FireGraft fix that?
6:13:03 PM DiscipleOfAdun hmm. I think a constant edit can fix that...but if not, then it might need casm.
6:13:27 PM DiscipleOfAdun chances are I'll have asm functions packages that can be used, just for things like that.
6:14:44 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt When another unit uses the Mind Control, StarCraft will crash and a pop-up will say that StarCraft couldn't find something. Maybe the plasma sheilds. Can FireGraft fix that?
6:15:07 PM DiscipleOfAdun I haven't ever experienced that, but I will look at it.
6:15:30 PM Kaja TG I have got a ghost to use mind control without crashing.
6:15:37 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt :-O
6:15:44 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt that was the unit i was trieng to make it do
6:16:38 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt eh, ok. I guess it was something I didn't do, or something i did ;\
6:17:15 PM Kaja TG If you want I'll help you later, but this is about FG, so...
6:18:18 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt O yeah, It probolly was something I did. I made the Ghost make it seem like it's Hijacking a mechanical unit or building. Like in StarCraft: Ghost. I tried to make the ghost diseaper after it uses it
6:18:39 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt ok, sorry to get off track...
6:19:12 PM DiscipleOfAdun no problem.
6:19:19 PM Kaja TG This is a fairly strange question, however, will FG be able to make it so Unit Health/shields will be able to display more than 9 digits. For instance, if you gave a Probe 2000H and 2000S all you would see is the 2000/2000 for the shields on the Gui.
6:19:58 PM DiscipleOfAdun hmm. probably not, that deals beyond what I know how to do.
6:20:25 PM DiscipleOfAdun however, remember, with assembly, alsmot anytihng is possible
6:21:21 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Do you think Blizzard will patch FireGraft? Would there be something that Blizzard wouldn't like about it?
6:22:02 PM DiscipleOfAdun Blizzard probably would not like the assembly addition that I have. However, I'm not including an edit field for it in the app.
6:22:18 PM Kaja TG Well, you know they are already working on 1.14b/1.15.
6:22:19 PM DiscipleOfAdun As for patching it - not possible...I think.
6:22:39 PM DiscipleOfAdun Yes, I do know that. That is why neither U-238 or I have really found any offsets.
6:23:12 PM Kaja TG Why waste the time, I guess.
6:25:04 PM DiscipleOfAdun I'm probably going to end up finding 1 or 2 just to get the exe tab working
6:26:17 PM DiscipleOfAdun however, since we do know about 1.14b/1.15, most of it now is just waiting for the release to find everything again
6:27:04 PM O)FaRTy1billion Wait, there is for sure going to be a patch soon for SC? Ugh... Blizzard likes to ruin us, don't they?
6:28:23 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt I think there are more concern about their pro players then the modders
6:28:59 PM O)FaRTy1billion They don't really patch much to do with melee anymore... Just usually a few things here and there mixed in with random bugs that I have never even heard of.
6:29:09 PM DiscipleOfAdun very much so. they care less about modders than mappers, and EUD's were completely removed instead of made safe.
6:30:07 PM DiscipleOfAdun it seems that anything either modders or mappers find is removed from the game eventually
6:30:42 PM Kaja TG Will FG be able to add new GRPs to the list, so you can give heros unique GRPs?
6:30:55 PM DiscipleOfAdun well, you can do that normally.
6:31:24 PM DiscipleOfAdun it's just editing the flingy->sprites->images->images.tbl/iscript.bin
6:31:40 PM DiscipleOfAdun the problem is that there's barely any flingy entries left to use
6:32:02 PM DiscipleOfAdun which was why the questions earlier about .dat expansion
6:32:36 PM Kaja TG Hmmn, I wasen't aware of that. I looked for hours on how to to what I asked and nothing. Oh well, Nm.
6:33:50 PM DiscipleOfAdun anything else?
6:34:50 PM Kaja TG I'm thinging of every thing, I can, How about add Brand new tile sets, not just change the current ones.
6:35:36 PM O)FaRTy1billion Speaking of tilesets.. is there anyway to put an underlay on other tilesets instead of only space?
6:35:44 PM DiscipleOfAdun SuiCidAl-KiSmEt, ¿(6)? - !ЯWAЯ - WAFFLEFLAVOUREDSODA. (aka O)FaRTy1billion), Kaja TG, Doodle77 well, that's a bit beyond me. I think it's very hardcoded.
6:35:53 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Can Firegraft be able to edit how many nukes a silo can hold and how many mines a vulture can hold?
6:35:59 PM DiscipleOfAdun no idea, I've never messed with tilesets.
6:36:14 PM DiscipleOfAdun spider mines - yes. nukes - no.
6:36:21 PM Doodle77 well, theres obviously one number in the exe that controls that..
6:36:36 PM Doodle77 all you need to do is find that number
6:36:38 PM DiscipleOfAdun yeah, mines is easy to change.
6:37:05 PM DiscipleOfAdun however, nukes are stored as an offset when built, meaning there isn't room for more than 1.
6:37:18 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Then, can you make another unit have something like spider mines? Like Valks having 3 bombs?
6:38:00 PM DiscipleOfAdun hmm. I think this is like the sound on the stimpack button
6:38:23 PM DiscipleOfAdun you can change the id of the mine...but it's very hard to add new.
6:38:49 PM Doodle77 wait, will FG be able to do all the ASM stuff that SG did?
6:38:52 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt so you can edit a power up and make valks have that power up to use?
6:39:07 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt i mean like changing uraj crystals
6:39:40 PM DiscipleOfAdun to Doodle - just the requirements and adding other stuff
6:40:13 PM DiscipleOfAdun to Kismet - not without some asm to check if the unit is a valk or vulture
6:40:33 PM O)FaRTy1billion Wasn't there a program before to be able to add new units? Would that be too much work to remake, or would it even be useful? (Just trying to think of ways to get the most out of FireGraft.
6:41:29 PM DiscipleOfAdun new units = new units.dat slots. StarEx(that program) didn't actually get everything needed to properly add new units.
6:41:50 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Didn't StarDraft used to do it?
6:42:00 PM DiscipleOfAdun no, it didn't.
6:42:21 PM O)FaRTy1billion I see. But would it still be too much work to do it properly?
6:42:33 PM DiscipleOfAdun for units.dat - yes.
6:42:56 PM O)FaRTy1billion What about any other .dats?
6:43:28 PM DiscipleOfAdun I've already answer that: most likely flingy and sprites, and possibly images.
6:44:17 PM O)FaRTy1billion Units.dat at least has a good amount of known unused units. Images, sprites, and flingy are always the ones restricting it though.
6:45:08 PM DiscipleOfAdun true, most times flingy and sprites cause the most problems. Images isn't as bad, but it is not good.
6:48:24 PM Doodle77 will it be able to do this: 6:49:10 PM DiscipleOfAdun for Requirements. not for actions, because it's only single player and doesn't really work good anyway.
6:49:17 PM O)FaRTy1billion eh, "MOV" = z80's "LD", right? O.o
6:49:34 PM DiscipleOfAdun yeah...I think
6:49:49 PM Doodle77 MOV moves one thing to another.
6:50:03 PM DiscipleOfAdun LD stands for load, right?
6:50:07 PM O)FaRTy1billion I've seen in tutorials it renamed to "MOV"
6:50:21 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Hey, can Firegraft let you select more then one building?
6:50:22 PM O)FaRTy1billion And yes, I believe LD is load.
6:51:01 PM Kaja TG Kismet, I think you can change that in DatEdit.
6:51:13 PM DiscipleOfAdun I thought I've seen a shot of that on SEN somewhere....
6:51:25 PM O)FaRTy1billion I know if you uncheck Building you can select multiples
6:51:33 PM DiscipleOfAdun ah, that's how it was done.
6:51:47 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt doh :\
6:51:51 PM DiscipleOfAdun I guess that I can find that jmp in the code, so you can still be a building
6:51:53 PM O)FaRTy1billion But unit buildings are a bit buggy.
6:52:02 PM Corbo[MM] i got one. The last day(about 3 months or more) i wanted to have an infested terran to build nukes. it actually built a nuke but it went to nowhere.
6:53:04 PM Corbo[MM] i mean will FG be able to mod that .. i mean.. "has nuke" command..
6:53:07 PM Corbo[MM] just like silo does.
6:53:13 PM Corbo[MM] since i know only silo can do it.
6:53:42 PM DiscipleOfAdun wierd, I've had a nuke not built by a silo before...
6:54:00 PM DiscipleOfAdun but I might be able to find the jump. However, it won't work for the nydus canal
6:54:26 PM Corbo[MM] and i mean, the nuke was built
6:54:36 PM Corbo[MM] but it just appeared like i didn't build it.
6:54:49 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Hey, in FireGraft, can you tell what building can be placed in a certain terrain? Like building something over water or something?
6:55:11 PM O)FaRTy1billion TileEdit lets you change what tiles are buildable.
6:55:13 PM Corbo[MM] You can already do that? can't you?
6:55:18 PM Corbo[MM] there it is.
6:55:20 PM O)FaRTy1billion erm.. what tilesets
6:57:00 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt Yeah, instead of tileedit being able to determine which terrain is buildable or not, you can tell where the building can be built.
6:57:13 PM Kaja TG When you go to make a map in StarEdit, you select your tileset from a list (I.E. Badlands)
6:57:51 PM DiscipleOfAdun Certain tiles are marked as buildable/non-buildable. Since TileEdit is what you use to edit them, that's how it is done
7:00:14 PM Corbo[MM] is there a movement flag for water?
7:00:52 PM O)FaRTy1billion Water movement would be fun.
7:00:58 PM DiscipleOfAdun water is declared an non-ground passable....meaning anything with an animation level below 5 cannot pass over it...
7:01:08 PM Corbo[MM] :l
7:01:10 PM DiscipleOfAdun I bet there's a jump for that
7:01:47 PM Corbo[MM] so.. about nuke thing..?
7:02:08 PM DiscipleOfAdun that's more difficult because of how the data is stored...
7:02:33 PM Corbo[MM] hmm.. what about..modifying the ammount of scarabs/interceptors/mines?
7:03:02 PM Corbo[MM] not like just make them infinite or something
7:03:11 PM Corbo[MM] but if i want to have12 interceptors
7:03:15 PM DiscipleOfAdun amounts - yes. both for upgrades and normal
7:03:21 PM Corbo[MM] Ok
7:03:23 PM Corbo[MM] good.
7:03:49 PM SuiCidAl-KiSmEt How about how much a worker can gather from minerals and vespene gas?
7:04:05 PM Corbo[MM] and how fast..?
7:04:06 PM Corbo[MM]
7:04:19 PM DiscipleOfAdun I think the exe has only 1 value(except for depleted), so changing it will change both
7:04:43 PM DiscipleOfAdun how fast might be in the orders...if it is a constant, I can edit it