You'll have to wait a bit on that since I'm still pondering the revisions. Some things I'd
like to do, but don't think I'll manage due to time limits.
Anyway I've gotten to read your outline, and while I like the detail you provide, remember this is just a brainstorm at this point. Some of your ideas require sections of the terrain or very specific units devoted to misson-related tasks. I don't have unlimited terrain, and while I could probably be a bit flexible on the units, I have to consider the impact of such specialized units on the gameplay. I'll need to find a way to write those units into the gameplay somehow.
For instance I don't really have any DT units as part of the spawners or purchaseable deployable units, so either they'd have to be entirely mission-specific or I'd need a new way to add them to the gameplay somehow. I only have one main kamikaze type unit (infested terran) which is already in use as a mech weapon, too. I'd need to trigger another unit to function as a kamikaze, therefore.
In fact, now that the topic of new units comes up, I'm thinking of a possible revision to consider: Removing the deployables purchases from the hangars and placing them on the battlefield somewhere. The reason for this is a gameplay one; normally with deployables purchased in the hangar you can't reenter hangar with them on the field. Therefore gameplay options are limited for players who choose to use them, as without hangar access they can't further their mechs. However, if you can at least access deployables without needing to go to the hangar (which does little but complicate their purchasing process, as they'd need to refund or kill them all first to get to reenter hangar), then it'll let you play in that fashion easier and bypass mechs for a time.
Ideally you won't be a chance against the mechs with just deployables, and upkeep might still apply with large forces of deployables (plus unlike mech parts that die, deployables can't be recovered), but you will have a way to earn income faster from holding off enemy units... until an enemy mech shows up, at least.
Oh, and here's a snapshot of the terrain revision (no details added yet). Note I can probably add more space by chopping a bit from the bases and maybe skimming down those raised portions in the middle.
Feedback appreciated.