Oh~! DoA i have long time no see this thread
Basically, i don't care how FG will be builded
anyway, earlier version Screenshot of FG 1.13 seemingly good for user
they are looks similar to DATEDIT layout and menus
that's better for public user, that was very good choice DoA
that layout looks very familiar with most users
but i have one suggestion in Button Preview window
what about add exchanging positon funtion to there?
i guess when if pplz work countinue or if wanna change button positon
that would be very familiar workflow
for example : if wanna change poition, just drag to other position in preview widow
and if wanna copy form other button which many spell buttons,
the just select icon and support popup menus which showed copy,paste,del menus
then moder's working progress will be reduce user's handed labor very much
anyways... keep ur job as like this well