>>Unpinned for experimental reasons.
I stopped terraining because im too lazy to find more blends. But i am going to try to get something done, but modding is keeping me very busy.
i wish i knew how to do that
I see that there are quite a few more terrain makers. Perhaps a new generation destined to impress the past, present, and future terrainers? Or just another rapidly declining unskilled bunch of ten year olds!
-Updating Ladder, Deleating Hall of Fame (For Syphon's New Entry)
Syphon is lazy and inactive in his own forum. It will take him forever to make the second hall of fame.
By the way, some pieces were really blocky or primitive in the first hall of fame. I can't even understand how did people accepted those...
Well, first of all, this isn't the place to discuss that matter anymore, but if I remember correctly, those first few Hall of Famers were on the leading edge of extended terrain, and thus they were the best of that age. We have come much farther than the point at which they left off.
Ya the hall of fame is for milestones in terrain thinking...
Or just where some people got lucky.
I doesn't see any tuto or maps to help me in terraining into the 1st pist (I didn't read the rest)!
Where are they?
this topic is only to show the best blends and stuff, u can request tutorials and stuff... but theres already a topic with tuts in it
some people release 'freeware' maps where u can use their blends, but mostly u have to find your own blends, thats part of being a 'terrainer'