QUOTE(D-Von @ Feb 16 2005, 03:31 PM)
yes that does I GUESS but it still upsets me when people praise you on the ladder system, and the awesome concept for terrain, both based on my map. It just really bugs me not to get acredited for it. I wish your map had mentioned something about where the idea came from... but what can I do. I see people remake or improve maps all the time. But admit it, you WinMPQ'd the wav didnt you didnt you!
My ranting will decrease now. but when I first played yours I was so pisséd off, I went to the (U) channel and
listed your account. But Im over it, my current hated character is now only... Raging_Raptor, stolen many quality maps from people throughout bnet history, Mathrix's SWAT, Swap's old old Lights on/off D (first time I ever saw stacking), KcKKryptonite's Snowbound (first bound ever)
Raging_Raptor is actually evil
People didnt praise me over the ladder system at all in fact. Sometimes when i join a game, any game, people say
"omg your that person who made Helms Deep" i reply
"yes". I havent heard anyone saying, i loved your Helms Deep map at all. Ive heard "hey that maps like Battle for Helms Deep". They didnt mind that at all.
All ive heard is that its the best Helms Deep map on battle.net mostly. Bah, anyways sorry for taking over your map in the first place, and i never heard from that friend of mine again which was sad too.
P.S Yes i did extract the sound from WINMpq.
QUOTE(ShinRa_Soldier @ Feb 16 2005, 08:06 PM)
Good luck with ur helms deep map, it looks pretty good, but there are a lot of helms deep maps out these days.
By the way I don't think peazel ripped off panzer_kavaliers Raccoon city map, It is similar but could it be because Peazel and Panzer_Kavalier are the same person? Quite possibly
Ok, thats one line ive heard too many times man. Thats because my old maps just dont quit...im not
Panzer_Kavalier ok? How many times do i have to say that!
QUOTE(S.T.A.R.S-Chris @ Feb 16 2005, 09:35 PM)
yes it was, have faith in me boys becuase I have the movie on dvd so I know what the castle looks like. everything is in place and all is swell. BUT somehting happened to my CD drive today and I think its fryed!!!! and it messed up my brood war CD. WTF!!!!! I might be gone for awhile till its fixed
LMAO, well say goodbye for awhile with map making. Guess what? My CD-ROM is cant work because my computer cant read it and detects its not there no matter what i do. So no Starcraft for me. I missed out on that darn 1.12 patch