After some testing, I managed to get rid of a few bugs (That constant respawning thing is gone!

), and finished the second minigame.
Here's how much is done so far:
Terrain [progress]60[/progress] (60%)
Unit Buying System [progress]100[/progress] (100%)
Enemy Waves [progress]10[/progress] (2 out of 20)
Minigames [progress]12.5[/progress] (2 out of 16)
Misc. [progress]20[/progress] (20%)
UPDATE: OK then... Added the hyper triggers... well not exactly 'hyper'... but they're faster...
Yoshi Bombers works now!
Thanks to 007Torrasque, most of the bugs are dead.

I'm removing the crashing in Beam Team... the UFO players have a hard enough time as it is.
Yes thats my excuse for the respawning not working. Live with it.