I said the terrain is bland... It looks REALLY streaight forward... Go to the end of a stright path that has 2 corners to it and your on the other side of the map... It need smore twists and turns...
Make sure you have all the walls the same and not all different types of wall...
Easter Eggs In A Haunted House Map
Ok ok... Easter Eggs might have been a bad term... hmm... how about.... ehh I'll jsut go with the secrets part.... scratch that.
And yes, all the terrain matches. I checked it twice. And it wont be so straight forward. Theres going to be backtracking.... And like I said, there will probably be minor changes. A game with this map I'm planning will take about 20-40 minutes to complete if you know it well.
Ok guys I got a problem... When I tried to import my WAV files to SC, they all said that they were all 0-bit.... and SC can only take 8-16 bit files.... WTH is that!?
EDIT - Scratch that.... I figured it out.. They all work now.
Ok I finally started on the triggers. If you want to suggest a puzzle and I use it, I'll put you in the credits and a Karma point (if I can do that) I'd also give minerals... but um... as you can see, I'm a little short.
EDIT - Ok I thought it would be useful to post what I have done so far----
Terrain Layout (may be minor changes later on)
Beautifcation (walls, exct)
Unit layout
Player Room Doors
Starting on Armory room
Heh, because Bolt says he feels like doing it doesn't mean he will. He probably won't for that matter.
Sounds cool, anticipated game.
Thanks Drak... But c'mon... wouldn't it ROCK if he really did remake the map though?