Its like that with all forums. I was offically a part of Blizzforums for 2 days lol
Ya, most people get bored with posting after the first week or so and then they don't even go onto the site anymore. But with Aster reminding me of it every 5 minutes then I shouldn't have any problems with bored or forgetting about this site.
lol I'm obsessed with this site
Aster you are completely obsessed with this site and that will probably rub off on me.
What hits me most is the fact that you guys live next to each others and still are posting like mad in the forums; often just building up discussions with only you 2...
Hey, its not our problem.
Heh, I did that at the Oi forum oncce with a friend. It was at night, and we were both on at the same time posting, so we went to the spam forum and had "battles", which were basically arguements on the forum, racking up around 200 posts quickly. We were told to stop, or else there would be harsh consequences.
Oh...the good old days!
Personally, I dont approve of a spam forum that adds to your posts at Oi
It's not that much of a problem, since it's just a place to let loose and have fun. We don't really acre about our post count at Oi, since all the regulars are very well known and such. Not much mew people come there these days, perhaps some of you guys can go visit and post there.
Still. A post count shows how much you contribute in a community (at SEN, we got more than that
) and getting posts for pure garbage isnt fair.
Well, it is fair if everybody gets equal opportunity to post garbage. By the way, if you every go there, be prepared for extreme randomness in the Cargo Bay. Even I don't head there much, unless SEN slows to a crawl. I usually just hang out at the Mess Hall ,where sensible speaking occurs...for the most part, and the Library, where there is the almighty trade-off "From the Logs of Captain Sodon #7". Although if anybody wants to join the trade-off now, you'd have to read through what I estimate about a hundred pages of posts. Probably a lot more too, though then again, we have a good story going, and no random crap (plotholes are kept at a minimal now, and are corrected as soon as they appear).
Welcome to SEN, nobody else seems to be talking about welcoming you, they just seem to be talking but all well. not my site. i might as well join in.
just kidding only time i will ost in this one, unless someone starts talking to/about me
SpaceBoy2000: In most forums, its "If you spam you're banned" or "lock the topics that are nonsense". I wanted to try something different, which is ALLOW these posts, but keep them in a centeralized forum.
Sp, we dont live next to each other, we live 30 miles away. We just go to the same school.
Aster's mom teaches at my school so Aster goes to the school that she works at. He lives in a totally different city than I do!
ROFL thats gotta suck. Your mom hears about everything you do, and you go/leave at the same time she does...
Luckily his mom works in the elementary school and he's in the middle school but they're combined schools so it's not much different.