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Staredit Network -> Concepts -> eZTrig Editorâ„¢ (BETA)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2005-05-28 at 02:29:40
Well, actually maybe it would be better to make it generate TrigEdit trigger text, instead of directly saving to .trg, to avoid losing locations.

I wonder how you'd get all the location names and things though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViciOuS on 2005-05-28 at 12:05:07
You see, for this to work. I'm going to need to make something that reads map files, and retrieves all the information on triggers so I can then use them for eZTrig Editor.

Unless someone is willing to contribute to this project, it's not going to work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-28 at 16:37:42
Are you planning on making this completely PHP based?

I have no clue how to read user uploaded files with PHP nor do I know how to open MPQ files without lmpqapi or mpqcontrol.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViciOuS on 2005-05-28 at 22:49:31
Yes, I was planning on doing this all with PHP, as a community-based application that provides a large list of trigger tutorials, triggers themselves, and possibly more.

It seems as if this is not going to work at all. I will dis-continue this project temporarily until I find someone who either knows how to make this work, or has moderatly-advanced knowledge of c, c++, and/or visual basic.

I appreciate everyones help. Thanks.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-28 at 22:54:25
I can probably help now that I've finished my project up. I know quite a bit about map editing and modifying with Visual Basic 6.0
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2005-05-28 at 23:08:17
Well, someone could always write a quick program which would take a map on the command line and then output data about its location names, switch names and existing triggers which could be read by the PHP script. With that program setup, you could have the user upload a map, extract all the data you need then they could get on to triggering, perhaps even in multiuser.

I think it's ambitious to make this program in PHP, however, I don't necessarily think that it is going to be overwhelmingly difficult. If you look past the fact that it is going to be difficult to load data from an SCM/SCX file in PHP, and that it's going to be difficult to save your data to an SCM/SCX file, what's left in the middle is a really simple program. Pretty much it's just letting a user add triggers to a list. If you made it so that once the user has finished creating triggers, they could just click a button and TrigEdit triggers would come out, the program is quite simple to make.

Perhaps loading and unloading directly to SCM/SCX or CHK files could be version two. If you don't want to, you don't have to consider those parts now, and the program will still be useful.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViciOuS on 2005-05-28 at 23:31:20
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ May 28 2005, 08:54 PM)
I can probably help now that I've finished my project up. I know quite a bit about map editing and modifying with Visual Basic 6.0

Wonderful, view my profile for my aim address. I we can, I would like to solve the uploading of the map/etc problem first.

QUOTE(BSTRhino @ May 28 2005, 09:08 PM)
Well, someone could always write a quick program which would take a map on the command line and then output data about its location names, switch names and existing triggers which could be read by the PHP script. With that program setup, you could have the user upload a map, extract all the data you need then they could get on to triggering, perhaps even in multiuser.

I think it's ambitious to make this program in PHP, however, I don't necessarily think that it is going to be overwhelmingly difficult. If you look past the fact that it is going to be difficult to load data from an SCM/SCX file in PHP, and that it's going to be difficult to save your data to an SCM/SCX file, what's left in the middle is a really simple program. Pretty much it's just letting a user add triggers to a list. If you made it so that once the user has finished creating triggers, they could just click a button and TrigEdit triggers would come out, the program is quite simple to make.

Perhaps loading and unloading directly to SCM/SCX or CHK files could be version two. If you don't want to, you don't have to consider those parts now, and the program will still be useful.

You have a very good point, the basis of the application will be very easy, i think I might use flat-files for the most part of it, while everything is stored in SQL. What exactly do you mean when you said 'perhaps even in multiuser'?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2005-05-28 at 23:41:29
Yes, that part is quite simple when you think about it, isn't it?

When I said multiuser, I meant, many people can be editing the triggers for the same map at the same time. The way I would do that is the triggers would need to be split up into sets, and one user could only edit one set of triggers at a time, but many people could look at the triggers in a set. It'd be a bit of a cool feature, but again, you should probably concentrate on getting a version of the program out before you start listening to all of us go "You should include this!" because otherwise you might never get started.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViciOuS on 2005-05-28 at 23:53:56
QUOTE(BSTRhino @ May 28 2005, 09:41 PM)
Yes, that part is quite simple when you think about it, isn't it?

When I said multiuser, I meant, many people can be editing the triggers for the same map at the same time. The way I would do that is the triggers would need to be split up into sets, and one user could only edit one set of triggers at a time, but many people could look at the triggers in a set. It'd be a bit of a cool feature, but again, you should probably concentrate on getting a version of the program out before you start listening to all of us go "You should include this!" because otherwise you might never get started.

That is a great idea, and of course, I will make a few beta version of this application first, then I will begin adding in mods and tweaks.

Thanks for your implements and help, if you want to contribute more, view my profile for my aim address, or if it's ok with you, i'll msg ya on aim when I run into problematic situations and anythign of the like.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BSTRhino on 2005-05-29 at 00:01:58
That's cool, I'm always around to answer questions. Good luck with the program!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by greenreaper on 2005-05-30 at 02:11:50
Would you by ANY chance attend Chaboya? And if so, do you go by "Miller"? Okay, now on-topic. I don't really see a need for this program since you have to "learn" a syntax anyways. It'd be almost the same as doing triggers in SCMDRAFT or StarForge...but possible easier.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Cole on 2005-05-30 at 13:46:47
You all do relize there is already a converted of import/export style triggers and .txt files?
It was done in Perl I believe sometime in late 1998. It's Source Code was also released for anyone that wanted to add on to it....

If you want it I will try and find it for ya... it can be very hard to find...but I always somehow find my way to it.(I've dled it a few times..ended up deleting it most of those times though as I never really used it).

I had an idea to do something like this(it included php anyway). Though I really didn't care enough about it and never went for it. Also importing/exporting dosn't save locations. Meaning when you import...the locations will all turn up blank.....
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-30 at 19:40:28
Which is why he should do the actual TRIG section of the map and follow IEP format.

Or convert the triggers to TrigEdit format.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-05-30 at 20:20:38
By the way, why does this topic name say Beta? I see no beta, I don't see an alpha, I don't see any actual form of this existing at all.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-30 at 21:44:14
Does it really matter Moose? tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shmeeps on 2005-05-31 at 03:37:03
QUOTE(RexyRex @ May 27 2005, 05:14 PM)
Well, ViciOuS, it looks like you have things planned out quite nicely. The hard part is getting a good momentum after you start. I'd love to make modules on the side, such as the suggestions and bugs area...unless you're doing all the PHP yourself. wink.gif
Well I'm right here. smile.gif

As am I, PM here or aim: crazyshmeeps
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViciOuS on 2005-05-31 at 14:54:03
This project is on hold for time being. In fact, I may start on something else before I even finish my final thoughts of this project.

There is no reason to keep on talking about this, and if you really have news/ideas for me, just PM them to me.

For you PHP coders who wanted to help, you can join me on some other projects if you'd like.

Msg me on aim, address in my profile.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2005-05-31 at 15:28:09
Heh. You obviousley don't know how to make a file upload script.
I'll attach the one from my book.
//$file - the uploaded file in the temporary directory on the server.
//$file_name - the actual name of the uploaded file.
//$file_size - the size in bytes of the uploaded file.
//$file_type - the MIME type of the uploaded file.

if($file_name !="")
copy ("$file", "C:/Apache/htdocs/$file_name") or die("Could not copy file");
die("No file specified");

<head> <title>Upload complete</title> </head>
<h3>File upload succeeded...</h3>
<li>Sent: <?php echo "$file_name"; ?>
<li>Size: <?php echo "$file_size"; ?> bytes
<li>Type: <?php echo "$file_type"; ?>

<a href="<?php echo "$file_name" ?>">Click here to view file</a>

Just remember enctype="multipart/form-data".

Seeing as my book is a bit outdated...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViciOuS on 2005-05-31 at 15:51:15
Nah, I know how to make a upload script, lol. I've already got a class for it, but i'm pry going to re-do it here soon with a few more features.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-31 at 16:28:15
Come to think of it, this project is starting to look a lot like the trigger viewer, but with editing capabilities (which the trigger viewer was origanally going to have).

If it edits the TRG section, then it may violate SEN's pro protection policy, becuase if it just loads that section, then it would be much harder to protect (but still possible).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-31 at 17:14:50
He can detect protection...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-05-31 at 17:18:03
Oh, then why doesn't the guy who made trigger viewer make a verson where you can edit, but where it detects protection?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by RexyRex on 2005-05-31 at 17:18:55
Because "Viewer" doesn't mean "Editor."
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-05-31 at 17:20:35
Also he never knew how to put in protection detection.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ViciOuS on 2005-06-01 at 13:10:41
m.r.bob, what do you mean by
"If it edits the TRG section, then it may violate SEN's pro protection policy, becuase if it just loads that section, then it would be much harder to protect (but still possible)."

just wondering..
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