The story has incosistencies, unnatural dialogue, and good ol' bull
that makes the map look like a potential contender for Plan Nine From Outer Space, minus the entertaining camp. The map doesn't start off terrible, but then it opens up a big, wide plot hole: Houston would not have even existed in the Star Wars Universe, considering the trilogy takes place thousands of years before their release. It tries too hard to be like A&O, but fails to give any compelling visuals, and ultimately, just ends up a bunch of stupid quotes and half-rate battle sequences. It's too short, badly paced, and inconsistent. 3/10. Now, as for your quotes at the end of your posts, it's pretty obvious if you said any of those unclever, irrelevant little quips in real life, someone would've given you the ol' "chair in the cerebellum". Stop it. Until you do, I'll end my posts in irrelevant bull
like: "Well Mame, my name is Pasta Dan, and if you ever need a hand, I'm also a Fixerman."