I don't need any manuals. But I get them and save them all.
And why just PS2?
I don't really know, since when I play confusing games...
i bought the game but no manual

The manual is actually kind of interesting, at least to learn about the history of the three different races. I mean someone actually thought this stuff up, wow, that would be a job. <_<
i bought the game but no manual
Did you buy it at a garage sale? If you bought the game 'new' there is no reason you shouldn't have a manual. If you didn't get one, then you should be calling Blizzard and asking for one (if you want it THAT bad).
well this is turning into off topic so HURRAY! hello valkyrie...
I thought by now the terrans would have some satelite thing that targets the laser.

And probably instead of a nuke some super powerful laser cannon that destroys wherever u target like scan. Just click on the target then BOOOMM. But too bad terrans are so cheap.
like an Ion Cannon in Command and Conquer?
Ion cannon sucks, Peace trough power!!!
Soviet says peace through power, not Alllies.
i thought C&C had only the GDI n the Nod. NOT TEH ALLIES N TEH SOVi3t!!!! actually... i think the sovi3t can kick the allies ###.
Hi Mechwarrior, you just witnessed my use of the "spilt topic" ability I have.
Its okay to create new topics you know

I think he was presenting himself to Valkyrie :mellow:
I do not welcome you, mechwarrior! Gwhahahahah! (someone HAD to say it xD )
uberrofl my mistake! remerging!
Why don't terrans just create missile launcher platforms.. would end all zerg assaults.. and evil corporations such as the Mattel!!!! Anyways, Welcome Valk, I sure hope you don't deal 6 damage each hit

lmao.. wow that was great!!