It's fun how everyone gets angry over a computer game, and not even the computer game, but the extra sucky map making tool that came with it.
You guys really need lives.
I didn't have one for a while, which is how I became the best. You guys clearly still don't though.
Me saying I'm the best map maker isn't an ego, it's not me being full of myself, I could care less if I was really. IT'd be like saying, "my shirt is orange", I'm not gloating, I'm simply stating the fact. I am better at making generally fun maps on the starcraft editor, to be played on broodwar by others, than you guys are. Do I think I'm extra-special because of that? No. I'm not gonna be talking to someone at my school, and be like "I'm the best map maker for starcraft", because it's meaningless. I only continue to say it, cuz it annoys you guys.
So anyways, tonight my reason for being banned was "Cuz I can".
Oh and bolt, you suck at making maps
I really don't care if I'm banned, I just wanted to start trouble here.
If you could, just ban me from the site, I'd prolly be tempted to come back, and I don't want myself coming back.